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Some NEW year intentions........

I have said before, and will again that I like the word intention more than resolution....intentions in my experience seem to stick....lots of my successes in the past couple of years, or my newfound self discipline has originated from an intentional space....not a resolution space. Resolutions inherently feel closed off and harsh....the firm decision to never do a thing again, who can stick to that???;-) So I am sharing some of my intentions today...taking the time to let them find their way to paper, and give me a place to look back, and see how well I did!:) I am happy to leave this year behind....this was a tough year in a lot of ways....blessed but tough....I am looking forward to the promise of a NEW year...with an open heart, and a clean slate, ready for what is next! My first intentions are surrounding my health....I have achieved...... finally...... what feels like a healthy body, mind, and spirit and I am not giving it back, not ever:) Once you FEEL health, I think it becomes a game changer.....something you protect at all costs....and I currently do lots of things to keep myself healthy, but want to go further with that. My diet overall could use some work. Because of my exercise it gives me leeway with what I eat in ways that aren't so good lol;-) I love to eat healthy food, and I do a lot...... but I also like unhealthy ones! So I am planning on revamping our diet some....I normally pack a healthy lunch, and then dinner is kinda easier and more I INTEND to be more mindful of that in this New year....and still enjoy our indulgent stuff but just less..Going back to more meal prep vibes! It helps so much. I also plan on upping my fitness game....pushing my boundaries on weights and what I already do....and doing more running then I have been.....I have been doing a lot of weight training and bodyweight stuff, which I love, and is super effective, but I want to do some more cardio and get back to running and boxing more too! And perhaps finding a half marathon to spurn my efforts in 2024:)

I INTEND to hike at least once a week no matter what! My kids and I love it and it has been challenging as of late to make it happen as regularly as it once I am working on putting that back into our daily routine.....even grabbing a short one during the week when they are with their dad on that weekend! And doing it more in the summer when we are off!

I INTEND to go somewhere I have never been every month! I have an idea for an ice cavern for the kid's birthdays in NH this winter that I am excited about, but it doesn't have to be an away trip, just anywhere, a hiking trail etc....just somewhere we haven't been before:)

I INTEND to build my business in a big way....taking this latest opportunity as a launching point and seizing all the opportunities that come with it, and help it further my mission and goals! More public speaking, more writing, more collaborating, more of all of it! In addition to the collaborative book I am a part of, I also want to finish my book in 2024. I am coming down the home stretch, and I need to just push through the final chapters and make it a reality!

I also INTEND to continue to blog and find ways to expand what I write about some....maybe sharing more of what I come across, and finding some new places to explore!

I INTEND to continue to meditate and do yoga at least once a week.....I did yoga at another time in my life and loved I would like to find a way to make that a reality!

I INTEND to explore this teaching from home option too for a little bit, to try and save some money and get more ahead of myself in 2024 and see what I can accomplish! Continuing to watch my money, like I did during my spending fast....and see where it leads....

I INTEND to plan a trip out west to hike with my kids this summer to Bryce Canyon and the Grand Canyon somehow, some way:) Stay tuned!

I INTEND to clean out my house more, selling and getting rid of the stuff I don't want or need. And being more open to fixing stuff and making peace with my inner guy more in 2024! Having more confidence that I am indeed and can be the man of the house alongside the lady of the house too lol:)

And finally I INTEND to explore dating and love in 2024....being more open to both in the New Year....and seeking opportunities for it and being braver in it has been by far my biggest hesitation.....and not even because I worry about being hurt....which you would think would be the issue....but due to how hurt I was in the aftermath of my marriage none of that scares me again....I can handle whatever comes.....but my hesitation arises when I think of sacrificing any of my peace, or the life I have created for the kids and I....and expending any energy toward it amid the it is a place that I have room to grow.....doing some dating....and perhaps finding next NYE with me in love, happily so, so we shall see;-)

So I feel like all those things are a good start rolling into 2024, plenty attainable, and being intentional in all the areas of my life....I also want to do less social media, and scrolling, and tech reading, and more books......being more mindful of all of that....and spending time promoting my business but then putting it down....more present in my presence:) The kids and I have many adventures awaiting us and I am looking forward to 2024 with deep gratitude for the lessons that have led me HERE and the ones that await me in the NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) Bring it 2024 I am ready:)

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