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So many little doors........

I feel like as the new year took hold there have been so many little doors of possibility opening up in my life which could lead to bigger doors of opportunity.......and it makes me wonder about those doors.....they are always there right? In ALL our lives surrounding us.....but I am guessing many of us, including myself have missed some along the way....not seeing them as I passed on makes me think of those books you read to your kids with the little doors and when you open them there is something on the other side on the page.....and sometimes you skip over a little door on the page, not seeing it till you reread that book with your kids and there it is! I think our intuition and our mind has the ability to guide us to the doors meant for us if we quiet ourselves and really listen......this weekend I have lots to cards for school......some school work for my life coaching class.......and preparing my speech for next Friday night......I have imagined many times what I will say.....but there is a specific place I want to begin and end in the timeframe I am given and it will take intention to make sure that happens......I am most definitely nervous some, but more importantly I am so excited......just so excited.....and to think of the circumstances that led to this little door appearing and my choice to turn the knob.....and now thinking of how many other doors it could open for gives me goosebumps to think of.......the other thing I was thinking of, which I will likely express that night is the humbling feeling that takes me over when I think of where I was this time last year.......the deep and consuming pain I was drowning in this time last year.....and it makes me want to pinch myself to be standing where I am this year.......and reminds me that the difference a year can make is a profound one.......and that all storms really do run out of rain......and if you are reading this and feeling really down and feeling like there is no end in sight! I am here to tell you there is.....even when we can't see it, even when it is so I was piecing together my book and looking at the early blogs.......even then I was keenly aware of this force that was guiding me forward......feeling in my soul that there was more meant for me on the other side of this invisible cord pulling me along........a force that was so lovely that I believed in it immediately and allowed myself the awareness that it existed......that it was going to pull me along.....and I was right......I am starting to see some of the places that it has in mind for me......and potentially places it will lead......I am going to continue to trust it all and look for those little doors to open......the ones that lead to bigger things in my life! Make sure you do too:)

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