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Simple is a strange word, maybe one we don't use too often....conjuring up ideas of something not being complicated....easily understood....plain or basic.....but really simple stuff in our lives usually end up being the best things.....yesterday was an example of that for me....Gabe had summer school and Mads had youth group in the morning.....and the weather yesterday was amazing!!!!! Right???? So I got up, did my blog, meditated, worked out, and then dropped Mads at youth group, Gabe was already gone, and then I hit Raymondskill Falls.....and I really believe it is easy to take for granted the beauty we have at every turn here......I was able to see it in its full glory yesterday, and gaze in awe and wonder at the falls.....something about a waterfall right? Maybe it was the weather being my favorite temp, or the bright blue sky.....or the lack of humidity.....or the white fluffy clouds in the background, or maybe it was my deciding to be present in it all:) really present.....and it was glorious.....simple though right?.....didn't cost a thing.....wasn't an arduous hike but still.....worth the moments it brought me....I then came home had a little breakfast and went for a little walk before I the kids came back......took care of some things, and before I knew it it was Gabe's turn at youth group.....and I decided to take Mads to Dingmans Falls at dusk while we waited for him.....and we had a lovely time there too.....just so beautiful, again soaking up the wonder and the gifts found here.....all within a few miles of my home.....and here for the taking......and it was a simple day.....but one that came bearing gifts.....I was called to move my body a lot yesterday....and get into the woods, more than once....and I wish people knew sometimes the power and healing that is found among the trees.....I was talking about it with a friend the other day.....there is no doubt in my mind that being in nature is healing in so many ways.....physically....mentally.....spiritually......all of it.....and I was thinking yesterday about the gratitude I feel for being called back to it....spending so many years not exercising that part of me.....forgetting about it.....having it be swallowed up in so many other things......but it is the simplest way I can think of to connect to your inner self.....hear your soul......and part of the power is the taking deep breaths full of clean and fresh air.....Being in nature has been studied extensively and proven to boost your immune system, elevate your mood, increase your overall well being and mental state, and the list goes on......and it doesn't matter if you are sitting still in it ,or walking or hiking.....the benefit remains....and what I have read is that two hours a week is the magic goal always is to get us out at least once a week for that amount of time at a minimum during the school year, but more often during the summer.......but what came to me this morning was the simplicity of it to find......and I guess I just wish more people knew.....I am guessing there are lots of folks that live here that haven't once stepped foot inside the woods.....and that makes me sad for them.....such a resource, right here.....anywhere really......hiking in North Carolina was lovely too.....or Tennessee.......I am finding a way to incorporate my love of hiking and nature into part of my women's find a way to share that within my mission......working on it:) So I share this today to just express that a day can be made of simple things and still be profound.....nourishing felt like it was in tandem with my worthiness blog yesterday.....knowing that taking care of me is the way to all the things that I want in this life.....honoring myself........and yesterday choosing nature and movement was in line with all of that.......another gorgeous day on deck for today, I am beginning to craft another adventure with my kids today! Get out there and enjoy the simple pleasure that is found among the trees:) I promise it will be worth it and you may be surprised at what you find:)

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