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Signs, love, and what lies ahead......

Yesterday was my sister's birthday as I had said.....and as I worked out, there was a dragonfly hanging outside my window......and I knew it was my sister coming by to say hi.....and most of yesterday they were hanging around at the vacation house my uncle had rented.....he rented this lovely house up on 97, and the kids and I have gone up the last two days to spend the day there. It has been so great to go and spend time with some family, and friends that have become family over all the years we have vacationed uncle's gift to all of us.....his commitment to get us together over and over, and forge these relationships and create these memories......and there is such love in that kids have had so much fun and talked about it endlessly on our rides home.....they have just been so impressed with the love they found from strangers last week in Michigan, and again meeting some people in Madeline's case, or in Gabe's case having seen people he had known before, but it has been a few is so special to be surrounded by love like that......and feel the protection of that, and bask in what is found there.....I think it is so important to have children surrounded by lots of people that love them from different parts of their lives.....and my children are indeed blessed to have so many people around them......I too was blessed as a child to have such great family, both immediate and extended......and it indeed shaped parts of who I am now as an adult......have some stuff that I need to take care of now for the rest of the week and get organized, so I will switch my focus and move into that place......astrologically speaking tomorrow marks a special day as well, fun to think of.....where Venus the planet of love enters my house of marriage, leaving the potential for meeting somebody or having something develop to that end.....we shall see;-)......I have also decided to let go of my online dating stuff, even for entertainment purposes;-) and not pay for online dating at all.....somebody recommended Facebook dating, due to the people being friends of your FB I am exploring that some and it is free! But as I have said, on any given day I am right where I belong......walking right where I am supposed to, spending time with exactly who I am supposed to......and just trusting every single step!

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