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Show YOURSELF some LOVE in February too!

Self love is an interesting journey.....I believe my journey to learning to love myself, and make peace with me also started the day he would have been easy to turn all of that pain in on me......and start doing things that were unloving.....really easy.....and I judge no one that took that path.....I truly don't.......I only feel deep compassion and empathy for them.......but something resonated deeply in my soul early on....and that was to start loving me like it was my job....a voice beckoning to me.......calling me to put and pour all the love I did into him......into me.....and the payoff has been amazing......getting to live in a strong and healthy a gift I cannot fully explain.......I am well rested.....vitamins daily....taking time for myself so I am not overrun....doing things that light me up, things that bring bliss into my life........learning to quiet my soul, and meditate through the hard times......just so many ways I show myself now that I am on MY side.....and that I have my OWN has been my way home.....and my latest coaching series launches in February on zoom in the spirit of helping other women do the same.....helping them find LOVE for themselves too......there is a pervasive mindset in this world among mothers.....and that is that if we are all doing, and doing, and doing some more for everybody else, neglecting ourselves we are killing it as a mom......and I call bulls***........pardon my language.....but that is what it is.....absolute nonsense......absurd.....and I prescribed too for YEARS.........believing the same....running on fumes and caffeine, and feeling so depleted, and taking my satisfaction in life from the satisfied people around me that felt loved and cared for each day.......or taking satisfaction in the many deeds I did for my household in a day.....hitting the bed at the end of the day beyond spent......and then doing the same thing the next day.....feeling totally invisible......and part of my passion lies in freeing women from those chains.....showing them that they can be AMAZING mamas but still LOVE THEMSELVES TOO! Those things are not fact I am a much more patient, and chill mama now, because my cup is ALWAYS full......I am not feeling anger flares often, or feeling any resentment at all I need to do.....none of that....even though my chore list is now double.....and I am happier, more content, and more joyful because of the choices I make in my day to day and the love I share with ME too:) SO please join us in February and start showing yourself some love:) It is a great month to start! And exercise is a great way to start and show up for you! Give yourself some LOVE! I can help I promise! Hope to see you there:) Happy Saturday! :)

Update- 28 day Pilates challenge! Day 4 was yesterday and it was just stretching and was great! Stretching is definitely an area I could stand to work on!

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