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Shedding HER.......

The more I learn about Astrology the more I learn about so being this intricately woven blanket, that is divinely planned, with a subtle hue that makes it all come together....making all the difference......and I can feel the shifts that find my life.....and have been able to confirm that what I am feeling is what is happening overhead.....and I have already said that I know this can sound hokey to some, and I accept that.......please bear with me if that is you;-) but I don't believe there is anything hokey about it.....I believe it is our divine guiding system, and all so closely tied to the other parts of spirituality, and our beliefs in it all.....not separate at as I have been has become clear that I am for sure on an internal journey, alongside my mission to give to the world......and when you get your chart done.....based on your planet placement, it tells you that too....if you will spend time doing a lot of inner work.....or outer work.....or both....or a subtle mix.....and I am heavy on internal work, and evolutionary stuff, and also giving back to the world and being of service through my teaching and coaching.....and writing.....but what has struck me for awhile first of all the gift I have been given to deeply know myself.....a gift some people never get.....being left in the way that I was....and then being on my own for this span, has allowed me the time and space to dig really deep.....and I know ME deeply......who I am.....who I am not....and who I never seek to be again....being given the opportunity to hear my soul.........and I also know that who I am today will change up ahead.....I know I still have so much growing and learning to do, to be able to be in the places I wish to be in the future.....and I am here for it.....but part of that has been the continual painful shedding of her.....the woman I once was......the woman that shows up sometimes.....and has old patterns that die hard.....ones that require challenging.....because THIS woman is clear on what she wants and needs in this chapter....unequivocally.......unapologetically....and she will not let anything stand in her as I learn the new me.....and try and heal the places in me that need healing....I seek to remain clear on that......not allowing old patterns, ones that no longer serve me, get in.....and the truth isn't can be super is a push and pull between the old Jenn and new....and I am most definitely in transition in this stage....and I know it will take time to get to where I want to be......and lately there has been some intense energy out there.....maybe you have felt it too.....I know I have....and I am now really in tune with the tides so to speak lol:) Feeling the energy around me....and letting it guide me to what comes up inside of me, and what work it points to for me to do....and then I do it....and move forward.....and I hope this doesn't come across in a way that makes anybody think I have lost my mind....I assure you I have not lol:) In fact I am not sure I have ever felt as clear as I do these days.....and I have done my research...and learning......and my proving of what it is I share....the other big part of me lol:) I don't just share something willy nilly.....So you will just have to trust me;-) but I share this challenge you to get a little more in tune with yourself, and all that spins around you....if you haven't been.....I spent a lot of years on autopilot....and grabbing the wheel, and really driving has made all the difference:) Happy Saturday y'all:) Enjoy!

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