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Self.........fill in the blank........

Awareness, respect, confidence, love, esteem, actualization........the list is endless......and there is gold found in each one of these......and there is a reason they are a thing......and I feel like as I travel I learn about each one more deeply, and pick it up and let it become a part of me......and all of the above saves us from all sorts of things we learn in our early days of our lives......if they had been present in my experience early on, game changer......but perhaps the true understanding of them, only comes on the heels of needing to work so hard to attain them.....and to understand their power in a real way......on the other side of some earthquake......fighting to make them our own.........maybe??? women's series was so great last night.......our group is so special to me.....they are a special group of women that I am honored to walk alongside of......and we tackled some self confidence stuff......exploring the places where they feel proud of themselves.....and isn't that important?? To do things in your life that you feel proud of.....and acknowledge that those things feel SO GOOD.........and one of the women remarked that learning it is OK to be proud of herself was a part of that too......powerful right......? Her realization that walking through the flames of her life....and coming out on the other side is a completely acceptable thing to be proud of......because here is the truth too........being proud of yourself can be enough.....knowing what you have walked through.......and honoring the decisions you have made on the other side.......and that understanding of yourself leads to those other things......self confidence resides in proving to ourselves that we can do things......even when they are a challenge.....every single thing each of the women shared was about that......the common thread.......accomplishing the challenging.....and doing well in that space.......those are the things that breed confidence.......not doing easy things........then that confidence leads to self respect, and saying no to the things that are not in line with that respect we now possess of ourselves......laying boundaries down.......exiting things that are not for us.......I think that one is one that I still work with sometimes.......but may have finally figured that one out too:)......and esteem comes from that space.......the better we treat ourselves the better so many things become......and self awareness of who we are.......going inside ourselves and being reflective of our actions and how they affect others.......folks with an avoidant personality are a challenge for me......and I don't seek to have that energy in my life.....I seek to have people that are all in to be aware and reflect on themselves, and their journey, owning the good and bad.....and being honest about it all.....I don't judge that avoidance comes from a place in them that created that part of their personality for a reason.....but it is a personality trait that makes me feel as we explored self confidence last to get it.....the benefits of it......and sharing the places where we feel really self confident, it reminded me that all those things......all of the things that come with the word "self" attached to them.....these things are not "self -ish".......they are things that we need to have as armor to keep us away from the things not meant for us......the things that seek to detract from our experience here.... having all the selfs in place and the key to claiming the life we are meant to live.....and my women's series warms my heart because besides being a healing place for us all it has become a cheering section for one another........empowered women........empower other women indeed:)

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