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Saying goodbye.........

Deerpark Reformed church closed its doors yesterday......the congregation merging with the Presbyterian church in Port, my brother pastoring to them.......Deerpark was sold......and a new chapter begins for that building........and so I went yesterday afternoon to worship there one more time......and I did not expect it to be as emotional as it was.....but it was indeed......I sat in its beautiful sanctuary.......thinking of how much life I have lived services, choir practice, youth group, countless Christmas Eves, my wedding, funerals......the list going on and remains one of the most beautiful churches I have ever been in.......and the familiarity I have always felt there was palpable a great big hug.......familiar in all the ways......and the service was brother did an amazing job of honoring Deerpark and creating a service that felt like the end of the service the congregation of Deerpark came up and lit a candle and said a name aloud......the name of a person that has passed, and that had devoted their life to worshipping there once upon a time......and the tears fell, from us all.......such solid folks that attended that church......people I had known all my church every Sunday of their lives........salt of the earth type folks......kind and generous.......and it was emotional to think of......and my own family grandparents, my great grandparents, my much of my own family living their life there too......and people had been worshipping there since the 1800s, amazing to think of truly........ that building is where my faith formation belief in something bigger than me......something that I could not see, but could feel......clearly in that place.........and as a kid I was enjoying the Christmas parties, and Halloween parties, youth group, and singing in the choir.......but as my life continued all of the rest got in......and my faith grew, and my desire to learn about Jesus......and putting my trust in God and my faith........we sang "We are the church"....oh my it has been a minute since I had heard that song, and I have always loved it....... and it was so fun to hear it and sing it......the choir singing the verses yesterday, and the rest of us joining for the chorus.......because indeed the church is not the is the people.....the people that come together, and unite in a common understanding, and desire to look for those things we cannot see, the things that can only be all of the folks that filled up that sanctuary yesterday will go on and BE the church in another building......and Deerpark will live on in all of us, as we continue our faith journeys elsewhere......grateful for the impact that that special and beautiful place has imprinted in my heart......forever.......Amen.......

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