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Santa train.......

Well today held big promise and I am still hopeful.....we are heading to Jim Thorpe to ride the Santa train! The last few years, under the weight of Covid.....our times to see or be with Santa, have not been nearly how they normally are.....and Mads being so young has bore the brunt of that.....only seeing Santa a handful of times in her we were very excited and looking forward to it all, and then when I went to pick Mads up yesterday after work she wasn't feeling well at all......:( Santa also came to Milford last night and I had contemplated checking that out too, but after seeing her it was clear there was no I gave her some medicine and let her lay in my bed. Gave her some soup and she fell fast asleep.....she woke up a couple of hours later saying she felt better......and slept through the night.....but she is most definitely fighting I am not sure what today will hold......and it can be easy, like super easy to be caught up in the disappointment of it all.....holidays and special occasions have been a struggle last few years.....two Christmases spent alone due to Covid quarantine.....and Halloween was a bust.....because they were both sick.....I was sick at Thanksgiving but was able to is feeling kinda disappointing......but when I get to that place, I just have to step back and release it......what will be will be.....that is the power in it all.....and certainly now in the world when the germs are goodness they are everywhere......I think the kids in my classroom have been sick most of the year.....constant congestion and coughing......and we have been sicker than we have ever been....I am guessing it is the world's adjustment back to post mask life.....a necessary rite of passage, back to our regular I keep us boosted on vitamins.....get us lots of rest.....hit the woods as much as we can, and let go of the rest.......I can't imagine how it would be if we were not taking vitamins daily and doing all of that! Although I have to say Mads had a much better transition to school last year her first year than Gabe had in kindergarten......she has not been sick very often......that has been a will the Santa train happen today???? That is the question of the I am not sure has an answer yet.....but I am shoving aside my lamenting and disappointment and trusting it all.......understanding that this year will be challenging with sick kids etc.....likely running out of sick time......and that we just have to ride it send us good juju that we pull today off and get to have that memory, and that my girl feels better fast......Enjoy the day y'all:)

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