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Rounding the corner........

The finish line for this school year is in sight! Next Friday is my last more week to go.....and I have to say as challenging as last year was, is as lovely as this school year has been.....It has been a really good year.....even compared to pre -Covid teaching......they are a sweet little crew of kids, and I will miss them......I told them they were in my top 3 favorite classes.....and they keep asking how they can move into the number one spot......;-) I think I will tell them they did on the last day school, even though they didn't lol:) that number one class I had will remain there I think, but this group is a special one no question......and I was thinking the other day that teaching, in my life...... just is just a part of my life......who I am.....always has been. There was no doubt that I would teach one day.....and I suppose having your career be so solid, in terms of what you are meant to do is a gift.....I have never had too many challenges in this area of my life......have done some social work too, which I enjoyed too......and of course now coaching.....which is most definitely in line with teaching......I start with a new client on Monday in fact! But teaching has always been THE thing.....sometimes when I am doing it, I can feel that it is what I was meant to do.....and making an impact in people's lives always lights me kids from last year come to visit a lot, and I feel so guilty.....because last year was so so rough.....there were 30 of them.....and whatever that cosmic juju was that took over the planet.....and the schools was legit......they were all out of their minds lol:) and I definitely could not show up as the best version of myself, hanging on for my life lol:) .....but I suppose I did something right.....because they still come to visit:) So we have a week to go......some fun stuff planned.....we are bringing Sing n' Synch back.....we did a lip synch for years and then Covid hit.....and well you know the rest.....but this year it is back! So Wednesday is "Rockstar Day" alongside that, and it will be so fun! Some report cards and grouping to do, and it will be a wrap.......and even though teaching has become challenging in so many ways, and changed a lot.......and certainly had its share of challenges during Covid.....I am so grateful for it.....the people I work with are like family......a dysfunctional one lol;-) but family nonetheless.....we always joke about our dysfunctional family vibe lol:) but the fact is we are there for each other.....always.........and I have been there almost 20 years....I started before I got married....kind of crazy to think career exceeding the length of my entire marriage so far.......and I love them all......we were looking at old yearbooks the other day as we were cleaning out.....and a bunch of us look and feel better these days then we did then.....we were joking like fine wines at Bushkill lol:) 2007 ain't got nothin on us;-) I am just grateful when I think of it all....having such a steady and solid way to provide for my children.....on the threshold of a summer....which is such a gift.....and a longer one this year......11 weeks! Excited to spend the summer with my own kids too, such a gift! So my plan is to enjoy the next week, as I prepare to say goodbye to my "favorite" class;-) Happy Friday!!!!

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