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It is a fascinating concept and one that has always resonated with me......the idea that our souls are on an evolutionary that spans lifetimes......and that each life finds us more evolved.......old souls vs newer ones.......learning the lessons we are meant to, and coming back again......and again......and just like my love of astrology, and the universe, the idea of reincarnation doesn't seem separate, or in contrast with my religious sense and faith in fact quite the opposite, it feels very much in line with all of God assigned us these lives to have our souls reach the places he intended for all of this leads me to sharing that somebody had recommended a book to me......thinking I may like it as I journey....."Many Lives, Many Masters,".....and I started it yesterday, and am in fact enjoying it.....actually quite fascinated by it all.....the quick premise is that a psychiatrist is working with a particularly phobic and anxious woman, and not having much luck conquering her fears and anxieties.....they are extreme......and he wants to do hypnosis with her.....she is reluctant, until she is at an Egyptian exhibit at a museum and is correcting the tour guide, much to her shock and surprise, and feels she knows so many things about it......a deep familiarity......and I should say also that the psychiatrist held no belief of past lives either until their journey with one another.....he wanted to hypnotize her to uncover a repressed trauma from her current under hypnosis she uncovers all of these lives and gets to the root of where some of her phobias stem from.....deaths and traumas in other lives..........and her anxiety and phobias improve as she gets treated......and it is a fascinating read....but what struck me most of all were two her recognizing people from her current life in her past for instance in one of her lives she had a young daughter, and expressed that that soul was that of her current niece in this life......a niece she is extremely close to and fond of......and that has always struck me too....that familiarity we have for spirits....some people that cross our paths, and feel like home so I have always pondered the notion that we have traveled together before in another life.....and perhaps that is so;-) the other thing that struck me was that as she evolved in her spiritual journey, and getting better and reclaiming her life, her intuition and spiritual gifts grew.....and I have felt some of that on my own journey......feeling my intuition "sense" of stuff feeling things that are not near me, and intuitively speaking to me.....and it seems to be growing stronger as I this woman started to have psychic episodes, and was being able to guess the winner of horse races etc.....if only right;-) but you get the as I am reading is affirming some......affirming some of what I have believed and wondered about all these years.....and the truth is, what we believe as individuals, with unique experiences and all OK.....whatever touches us in a spot that resonates is what it is about......not a right or wrong kinda vibe.....just what speaks to our souls and hearts.....and reincarnation has spoken to my soul all of my life....and I am curious to learn more and explore more, as I have with astrology......opening myself up to possibility, and deeply respecting the vastness of this great big mysterious universe we live in.....and know that there is so much to learn and explore! So if you are looking for a quick interesting summer read, it is just that:) Happy Friday! I have some fun plans this weekend and am looking forward to it:) Hope you are too!

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