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I am feeling a little stuck at the a few directions.....and I am working towards coming up with a plan......I think I really needed this last week to catch my had been a crazy end of year for all of us, and then vacation directly I have taken this week to regroup.......and now I am trying to organize my goals and figure out where I am headed......some of my clarity has been muddied in the heavier emotions that have come, so I am working to center myself and get more clear again about what my next step is......I will be working with a coach myself to move into my goals and move to the next step for my business....... I am diving harder into my meditation.......getting myself still.....and figuring out the best way to move forward.......and sort of embracing the stuckness I am sorta feeling at the moment......knowing it is part of the journey like the rest......and it comes every once in awhile as a part of the cycle.....I am really excited about what possibilities the next year of my life holds.......I have cleared so much many things that were no longer serving my best interest.......and it feels exciting to have a blank canvas to begin to craft the story I choose now.......truly free to do so........lots of new people are coming into my experience and on my radar which is so fun......and I am trusting it all......I am definitely going to get my real estate license online also......I think it is a good thing to have as a single mom, in my back pocket.....something that would pair nicely with my coaching at some point and make it all really viable for me to support my kids and I and live the life of our dreams;-) So that is also on my radar as I build my coaching business this summer.......I also have doctor's appointments for all of us to catch up on......which is no fun lol:) But I am grateful we have the summer to get them out of the way so we can move on as school comes! I have some house projects that are weighing on me recently kitchen still remains undone......sigh......and I try and free myself of the pressure of worrying about when or how that will get done.....there is no point so I don't live there.......and shift my focus into the trusting that it will......have a ton of painting that needs to be done too......but I think I will save the painting for bad weather either now.......or on weekends as the school year takes sense spending these gorgeous days indoors doing that:) and I suppose as I type this it is the motivation I must maintain as a party of one.....I have plenty of it, which I suppose is lucky for me;-) But there is something cool and helpful in partnering up with somebody to make something happen.......I used to enjoy that part of my marriage so much......having somebody dig in and accomplish some goal together......we really excelled in that area.......and sometimes I miss having somebody to help me do those things.......or make a plan with.......and it has forced me to become intrinsically motivated fully in all ways.......being my own driving force......."if it will be, it us up to me":) truer words......the kids will be with their dad this weekend........I am going to table all my stuff and enjoy the weekend.......and then next week make a few goals to accomplish and start ticking them off the docket.......get my train moving again to all the exciting destinations up ahead:)

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