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SO last night was AMAZING! It was such an amazing group of inspiring women. Sharing amazing accomplishments and deep feminine was such a beautiful message and such a noble endeavor for Lisa to take many times in life women are tearing each other down....we see it in young school rooms across high schools.....and then as adults? Why is that?????.......why is it so tempting to throw shade at another female instead of celebrating who they are? We are stronger question.....and as women we need to knock that shit off.....there is enough sunshine for all of sun doesn't diminish anybody else's........I felt like for my speech last night I had had so much else to much more rehearsed......but knew as these things often go that my own intuition would step forward and say what I needed to......and it did.......I have been given the gift of hooking up directly to my heart when I write and a way that helps others feel is not a gift I take for granted nor one I can take credit for.....for as long as I can remember people seem to feel my sincerity......know that all of me comes from a genuine place deep inside of me........and last night was no different......I knew the words may not matter so much as the audience feeling my heart.....and my vulnerability....and it was sort of an amazing moment......three years ago when I had first found about his affair if somebody had told me I would be able to stand up in front of a room full of strangers and share my story I would have told them they were that time I was ashamed......I was wanting to keep it a secret.....keep it in the dark......feeling that it was a reflection on me, on our life......on so much......and that by keeping it in the dark I could maintain my dignity and my self respect.....but really that wasn't cannot keep any of those things when you are living with a weight like that on your can't.........the truth is what sets us free......and I have learned people will either get your truth or they won't, and neither is really our business.......our focus needs to be in being our authentic selves every minute......and by focusing on that goal all else falls in line.....the right people find us......the right people stay.....the right people get us.....the right people love us......the right people become the right people and the wrong ones fall away.....and owning who you are is not is a vulnerable standing naked on a stage.....letting every bit of you be exposed.......but in that vulnerability comes our strength.......and leads us to living......the real kind........not the kind that feels heavy and burdensome......the kind that feels light and exciting! I truly believe that......that you cannot live if you are just can' I challenge you.....if you are reading ask yourself if you are hiding parts of yourself........from the people that love you....and I urge you to let those parts come out of hiding and won't be sorry I promise:)

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