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Really dude????

Did I mention how much I enjoy the online dating scene? Lol:) Every middle aged gal's dream! ;-) I really feel the need to explore the horror of the scene from time to time in my blog;-)......because it is endless;-) And I have been thinking of all of it in general lately, it is all all theory it seems like such a great idea......convenient.....meeting somebody without having to be out every chance you get to meet people.....from the comfort of your are provided, a person's stats, and a little blurb written in their voice, who could ask for anything more right lol??:) Well me.....that is who;-) I think the first problem lies in how much of it is based on physical attraction......most people on dating sites are swiping based on that initially, myself included, unless the person's little bio captivates them....and for the record I give that little bio a place in my decision to swipe right or left.....a big one......If you have something clever or profound to say that goes a long way.....did I mention that doesn't happen too often either lol:) So yea there is not much substance.....and I know I have whined and complained before about missing the days of meeting somebody in real life......real 3D life and going from there......feeling vibes and chemistry all of it......and behind a screen on everybody's judgey thrones swiping based on looks, just seems well......yea you get the I happened to connect to a few fellas this past week.....and I need to get a feel about how you communicate via electronic communication before I would consider meeting you......and likely have to Facetime you first.......I said what I said:) and definitely hear something more than your little dating profile the first message I get from one of them is "we live close, we should meet up!" And in his defense that is another challenge on FB dating......the distance is is supposed to be kinda close and it never is.....other states continuously coming it is rare to connect to somebody that does live I say to him yes we do live close, but I would like to get to know you some before we meet up! He said OK.....asked me what I was doing on Sunday....I guess in an attempt to "get to know me," I shared what I had done that day....and asked what he had message I got was you live so close, short drive to me let's get together.......really dude?? Did you hear what I said....? Like at all.....or care to hear it....? lol So I just deleted need for lengthy feedback for him......or anything else.....but it is discouraging as you know much desire from folks out there to connect, I see it on there......but the platform we all utilize is flawed in so many ways.....I know it works and has for so many and I love that for them......and I have said many times I trust my love process in all ways....there is stuff afoot for sure......but in the meantime it all just seems to fall flat for me, and be frustrating in ways that are hard to explain, unless you have online dated.....which I should not even use the word date, because that is not what I do lol:) I should use online shopping;-) I never quite make it to the checkout lol:) It is why I only do FB dating is free and I won't pay to not date, like I did in the beginning......It is actually more for entertainment purposes that is my latest story....not so exciting but real......and rampant.....I know some of the men are frustrated too because women want to text forever and never meet up....and I get that, I do.....but this was not that.....we literally had 4 exchanges lol:) So I default to faith and patience in dating, and all things love and romance, and move along my life......loving me and doing my thang;-) Happy Tuesday, hope everybody had a great first day of school! Yesterday was a great day for me and I look forward to another great day today:)

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