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Powerfully Broken......

Powerful and broken, that is how I feel. Both of them pulling at different parts of me. Both equally a part of me and my experience in the world. One being more tolerable, almost exhilarating, while the other tearing at nearly everything I hold dear. Everything I have ever held dear. My marriage is over and I am getting a divorce. My children are losing the life they have always known and loved, their hearts are broken, and nothing will ever be the same again. Just typing those words makes my stomach hurt and creates a visceral reaction that runs throughout my body. So deep into the inner parts of my heart and soul. The pain just so so deep. However, I did not choose this. It was chosen for me. Which causes the trauma to run deeper. My husband left us six days ago, to love somebody else, and never to return again. The never to return again part though is of my choosing. He has breached a boundary, a line, one that we cannot return from, not ever again. It hurts my heart more than I can find the words to express but there is also a relief that comes with knowing you are right where you are supposed to be, right in the moment of your life. Standing in a spot that will change your life moving forward forever. The power comes from that space. The power comes from being pushed so far by the universe that you need to find the courage and strength to push back or else be consumed by it all. I have found that power, I have found it amid buckets of tears, amid shock, amid awe, amid horror, amid all of it. In the moments since I have felt this power simmering in my soul, carrying me through the day to day. Fueling me to care for my children, fueling me to carry on, fueling me to take the one step in front of the other, all actions that my new life will require. I am powerful and broken and ready for what's next.

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Jan 13, 2021

I am blown away by your ability to put your pain, resolve, and power into words. Words. Finite bits, limiting tools. By their very nature they only allow us to hint at the immensity and scope of what we feel and what we hope to become.

You are using those tools to mourn what was, to embrace what is, and to bring us all along with you. Ultimately, those words will heal you. Keep going.

Jan 14, 2021
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Thank you! What a beautiful thing to say, this is not easy indeed but I need to come out great for my kids and for ME!

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