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Plot twists......

We attach tightly to "our plans" right? Making a plan, and investing in that plan coming to fruition.....but life has other plans for us often......and things shift and change.....stuff comes up.....circumstances step forward, and all we can do is roll with it.....I do not think it is ever futile to have plans.....I believe deeply in having a plan......and then a plan b, c, d, and e too for everything lol.....but......we need to be flexible in our plans......and I have learned that and continue to......this weekend I had to adjust my sail to my original circumstance came to find those plans, and change them.....and I did get caught up in the disappointment piece for a few moments.....but disappointment is a really is....when I lead with my faith and trust in the overall "plan" of my life.....or the big picture and not get tripped up in the life becomes easier and happier.......surrendering more quickly to what is.....instead of fighting what isn't.........and sometimes it isn't easy......we are human after all right;-) and wrought with the human condition.......and we like order, and change can be overwhelming......and well so many things........but all we can do is tune into that deep wisdom that is found in us and move forward in that space.......and I have been trying to get a pulse, a real read on what THAT is......that feeling I am referring to......intuition?? gut instinct?? or something church one Sunday our Pastor was speaking about the holy spirit....and the mystic and magic surrounding what that is exactly?? And sometimes I feel like on this journey......due to being so broken.....and brought so far to my knees......that in the space of rebuilding I can feel the holy spirit's presence in my life.....being able to hear its guidance and wisdom for my life......the nudges.....and subtle things.....and I have no way of course to be sure.....but it is my sense.......and so when the "plot twists" come in my life now, I am much more apt to roll with it versus fight it too hard......and I guess this weekend thing I had going on, and the fact that it needed to shift some and be rescheduled, challenged that some for the first time in a long time.....and reminded me to not attach too deeply to any outcome......connect to everything....attach to nothing:) I have loved that since I have heard resonates deeply......we must be fluid in our experience here I believe.......willing to adapt and change as life takes hold......and I am learning to do it better.......not perfectly.....but much better......and I think there is real value in doing that.....and making the effort to do so....and every time I choose to do so, peace is found.....due to the heaviness as of late of my life circumstance, I am feeling the squeeze so to speak.....and defaulting to my deep faith in my journey, where my peace lies every an anchor in my life.......So plan b isn't so bad at all, planning to get out there and hike today! Enjoy the sunshine y'all:) Happy Saturday!

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