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Pinch me !

I was driving home the other day feeling so grateful that I get to live THIS that I didn't initially choose......but one that I have decided to make intentional and deliberate choices for......ones that have paid off in dividends......I truly love my life and wow what a gift......yesterday I posted about my logo showing up for my business! Making it feel more real to me had been a stumbling block for awhile.....I would attempt to figure out how to accomplish it, and then somehow it never quite got there.....there are things that I love about running my business, and other things I find more challenging......I love working with the women.....planning what my women's series will encompass.....connecting and watching women run toward their goals....cheering them on every single step....or connecting with and individual client.......walking alongside her in her story.........but there are things that I don't love as much about my business, things that challenge branding myself each stuff......I wish I could afford to pay somebody to do all of that lol:) And I could just do the coaching part lol:) But I have learned a lot.......starting from the ground up.......taking the time to consistently move my business forward each day, even though some days it doesn't quite feel fast enough.....but I forever trust that the vision is strong enough, that it will get me to the places I want to be! I trust that completely.....and it has been consistently growing, so I have patience in the process! So my logo was born by my asking for it to be.......I went to Madeline's school to talk to them about my business and the challenges I have at times.....I had expressed not having a logo yet......then later one of the teachers there messaged me and said she would love to help, that she loves to do graphic design stuff and play I took her up on it.....and told her what I was looking for and she sent some samples of that but then another one, totally different than what I had asked for and I LOVED was exactly the one for my we tweaked a few things, and it was born into existence! So I am full speed ahead with more branding stuff and getting another series on the calendar.....working on my retreat and crafting that, figuring out what that is going to look like......I am also working on moving my blog forward with the tech support folks on my website.......just taking full advantage of the time summer allows to move things in the directions they need to be......and each day I truly feel so very blessed that I get to live THIS in THIS just feels magical and blessed, and exactly where I am supposed to be on any given day...taking the lead from the intuitive and divine nudges that come to find me......honoring them, and seeing them through, and it keeps doors opening and "the way' keeps appearing......I find that my authenticity and my willingness to truly be me every second helps so much too! I cannot wait to see how all of this unfolds! And what next steps will look like......Enjoy your Sunday! :)

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