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So I went to check out the new brewery downtown and it is amazing! The atmosphere is so cool and the inside is beautiful and it is HUGE! Food was decent, and I enjoyed the beer:) And I may have landed a shift or two there as of last night! I was trusting that if it was meant for me then it would happen......feeling its nudge several times to me, and honoring the nudge and making the moves toward it.....I may pick up a Wednesday shift which would work for me! I was reluctant to fall into another job, and take my attention away from building my business, I only have so much energy and time in a day;-) but......I do not think it will do that...and truthfully it will fill another need of talking to people, and getting myself out there some......another one of my single mama friends works there too, and loves it and said it was fun, so we shall see how it goes! I head to vacation next week so it will likely be after I have been hanging with one of my single friends, she was relatively newly single and we were excited to be adventure partners this summer lol, and then she just recently met somebody....very serendipitously, somebody she had previously known prior to her last relationship, but the timing was off.....and she had just been lamenting to me about the challenges in meeting somebody.....and gosh there are endless ones, I certainly know firsthand;-) and saying I won't meet anybody I never go out, and then she bumped into this guy at the mall! The universe has a sense of humor:) And from the sounds of it it was no accident.....and she is trying to maintain her new single flow, resisting getting swallowed up into a relationship, while spending time with she joined my parents and I out last night......and all of what I just shared is just to really share that it solidifys my belief in the timing of it all.....I don't have luck in dating, that is a I fish in a barrel and don't catch any fish;-) and it always strikes me how some people seem to do it effortlessly......or find themselves in relationships right out of their other ones.....and I don't judge it, and maybe would have, before I learned that our journeys are our own and what is right for somebody else is not the same for all of to each his/her own.......and I did not want for that to happen for me until I had time to heal and focus on what I needed to.....and I know another woman dating right after her marriage, and it also seems serendipitous, their meeting, and something for her to grow from and learn from.....and the circumstances very I guess you never know......And I believe that the reason nothing has come to me thus far, nearly 3 years due to my needing to learn to love myself, I truly believe that......and to have the time and space I have needed to do all that I have and create a new life post my divorce.......and I do have high standards for what I want and need.....I won't apologize for that friend was telling me that I might intimidate guys when we are out......I don't really think that is true, she was very complimentary of me, thinking guys have trouble approaching me......but I really think it is timing....timing is a thing......I have I keep remaining open......looking for windows and doors that belong to me......and focus on myself and my journey.....and trust every single moment! Tonight I get to see Robert Plant and Alison Krauss, which should be so fun! Going to concerts, especially at Bethel is one of my favorite things:) I just sit here this morning......loving the life I have created for myself....the peace and joy found in it, no matter the circumstance.......and just feeling grateful for it all:) Happy Saturday!

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