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Peace much like happiness is an "INSIDE" job.......

I have learned a valuable lesson the last month or so.......peace is not an external place....not a place you can grasp......not a place you can hold in your hand......not found in another person......not found anywhere but IN can find outside things that bring you some peace, but ultimately peace comes from desire to find peace amidst all of what I am going through has been my main is not healthy to live in as much turmoil as there is in my life right now....not healthy to reside in stormy weather.....there has to be a time to float in the life raft and catch your breath, or you can't keep life is intense in every way a person's life can I have been finding ways to bring myself peace, to soothe myself, to calm my inner has been powerful. I can actually create peace in my body nearly instantly by using the tools I have found.....prayer I find works the best, most instantaneous....I have always prayed too but boy do I pray now.....and it is often for peace that passes all understanding.......prayers to find that peace in my body that I long calm the turmoil......I find that the things that quiet my heart and soul are the new pieces of my life I am enjoying so much....the pieces I am adding along the those pockets of space and time I am finding the peace I seek.....I am providing that peace to my soul.......and it is such a gift to have the power and tools to bring that to my weary is absolutely crucial to I drink coffee in the early morning hours and listen to music softly I feel peace, as I meditate as the sun comes up I find peace, as I blog in a quiet space I find peace, as I run on the treadmill, each step helps me feel closer to that peace, as I pray in the middle of the night, gripped in turmoil and anxiety I feel peace wash over I stare into the perfect faces of my children and feel their love washing all over me, I find peace....we can all find peace we just need to look within our souls........find those beautiful things in our lives, even amid a pandemic.......and create those spaces in our lives where we can give it to ourselves.....the spaces that allow us to breathe deeply and then exhale.......

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