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We arrived! I am so excited to catch sunrise in a few minutes and grab a workout by the beach:) Yesterday's ride was lovely and easy, all things considered......the kids are terrific passengers....patient and chill and I love that that is their was a long ride and we hit A LOT of traffic, and it slowed us up at lots of points, and it got me thinking about patience..... to be able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious. And why some people have more of it than others??.......or why some people seem to have it and others don't?? it their genetic make-up??? Is it in their chart?......some planetary magic bringing more or less patience somebody's way? it learned? Do patient people raise patient humans??......I came to the conclusion it may be a combination of all of those things.....or just an ability to be uncomfortable and accept.....I have a pretty high tolerance to all of that.....I likely put up with more than most people do in my life due to my ability to be patient in nearly all situations......when traffic comes I crank up my music and know it just is.....of course I acknowledge the challenge in it:-) ....and wish for it to not exist like anybody else.....especially on a long trip.....but it doesn't rattle my cage......and I guess it got me thinking about it....because the last time I came here, I had traveled with my ex......and those types of things challenged his ability to stay patient and chill......and it was challenging for me to stay in the space of his angst in traffic....when nothing could be changed??? I always was baffled by what is the point on wasting precious energy on something that we cannot change??? So there was a freedom in our road trip having the absence of that......and feeling the gift of peace that came along with that awareness.....and I guess that was a challenge between us in many patience and his struggling to remain patient, in certain situations, on repeat.....and I seek to one day meet somebody that is more patient in their day to me.....not seeking to be the one that tries to be patient for us both......a person that doesn't let small things rattle their cage so much.....and I always felt for him in regards to that.....letting so much get in and disrupt his flow.....I could see it was very challenging for him and I don't say it as a judgement or to judge him, it just was.....and maybe it was because of all of the things I mentioned above....just a part of also do not misunderstand, and think I am saying that I too don't lose my patience at times.....because I do....and I reach the end of my ability to maintain that......but what I am pointing out, is just an overall spirit of one or the person turning up the music when you hit bumper to bumper and taking a deep breath.....and one person getting irritated and lamenting about what is and can't be changed.....and maybe that is it.....what a person's default it to take a deep breath and accept or fight what is.....anyway it was one of the my trains of thought yesterday as we traveled down to vacation:) There were many it was 9.5 hours of driving:) Maybe you can see yourself in one or the other, patient or not......and wonder about its origin?? And think some on where it comes from! As for us we have arrived and are excited to begin our vacation today! And I am feeling grateful for many reasons this morning! Let vacation begin! :)

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