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I had therapy in person yesterday is on the phone most of the time, and not as regular as it had been previously as I have moved along.....but it is always a welcomed experience and helpful in so many ways.......he is a lovely and wise human and helps me sort out all the things just when I need it is no secret I am trying to build a business.....and sometimes I feel paralyzed in all of I am not sure where to go next.....and all of the time that paralysis is just a creation in my talking to him some and brainstorming with him, and seeing and hearing his deep belief in me and what I am setting out to do......I was reminded of that......he has been a therapist and business man for a long time and knows his stuff.....and he has such strong faith in me, and regard for me, that it felt like the shot in the arm I needed.....I deeply respect his opinion........and I think the speed at which it is all coming together sometimes is a challenge for me.....because I believe with all my being that this is what I am supposed to be doing, and that I can make real changes in other people's life through is just a matter of time and effort and consistency for me to get to where I want to having that conversation yesterday morning jolted me out of a sort of low level paralysis that had found me in regards to finalizing the plans for my next women's I spent yesterday with my creative juices flowing.......I also think I can credit some planetary shift too:) Mars in my house of creativity;-) but I digress lol........I got to work! I got the flyer together....picked the dates.......added to the topics and evolved the content......I also thought of the way I wanted to revamp my book......and laid out the outline for the chapters in a more comprehensive way related to the journey......just lots of ground work and foot work, that needed to be done and now it is:) So it was a matter of stepping out of my own way......just getting out of it.....and making a move....and sometimes it all puts me in that paralysis state.......analysis paralysis right?? And it is the battle of those beliefs we drag around in our suitcases.......just this heavy nonsense that has to go if we are going to get to accomplish our dreams and live the life we want every single part of yesterday I shifted my focus on what I want to grow and that is this next women's series and my business.......I have been consistent the last two weeks in posting and putting my focus and attention on it daily.......and I believe with my whole heart that what we focus on, and become intentional about has no choice but to grow my business WILL:)

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