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Our comfort zones.........

Despite all the challenges that have come to find me in these nearly 2 wow could I really be coming up on 2 years???? I am......... and it seems crazy to me.....but despite the change that I have embraced along this journey and the acceptance of all that has found me......I am for sure a creature of a is deep inside of me, the power found in comfort........on is most definitely attributed to the Taurus woman that lives inside of me;-) ......I am a loyal, passionate, and loving homemaker at heart.....wanting my home to be the heart and soul of my life.......inviting people inside to make them feel taken care of and loved too.......entertaining is one of my favorite things to do......I don't get to do it as much as I want now......or I guess more importantly it now needs to be used to be couples coming over for dinner parties......and now that I am thinking about it I need to start being intentional about doing it more......would like to have some of my friends for a Christmas party this year.......the most wonderful time of the year indeed:) So this is where my comfort zone becomes stuck......once I find a way of doing something or a means to do so it becomes a habit on repeat.......I rarely part with sentimental stuff and have blocks about such things.......having that dumpster awhile back was big progress for me.......letting go........I have this attachment to certain things and ways that also runs deep......and I am working on challenging but more importantly banishing some of that......what made me think on it is the kids being away this weekend......I have been saying for awhile now......that I need to go out out......and I did go to the Mardi Gras party.....but............ haven't stretched myself so much......finding comfort in visiting with friends at my house when they are away, or opting to just chill on my own......and it is all due to my comfort zone......and I need to expand that.......I need to make my world as a single woman bigger.....I need to get out there and do life, and see what I find......going where the people are.....and it is a stretch for me. I love to go out and have fun, but am a homebody through and through......and in this whole process I have just been gentle with me.....knowing that whatever next phase comes I will work toward learning how to do it well......I like to think of all of it as big girl girl scout badges;-)......collecting them as I earn them:) So my plan is to make a plan to get out into the world some this weekend in a real way.......and push myself outside of my comfort zone to do just that!

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