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One step further........#epiphany

I promise this will be my last blog for the intentions of this year! PROMISE! LOL:) I just thought about something yesterday that made me think some, and might help somebody sorta reframe their thoughts......and move forward......I think the reason resolutions are deeply flawed, and don't work for most people is that they are too restrictive normally, too lofty, and are normally geared around what somebody is losing.....and I think as humans any time that dynamic is in play, it pokes a rebellious spirit in us that fights the for instance if somebody decides to get healthy in the new year......including a "diet" and an exercise plan they go all gung ho......cutting out all crappy food, and expecting to instantly go from somebody that never exercises, to somebody that is going to every single day......which sets you up for my life long ago I was guilty of doing the same.....going all in and coming up with some restrictive lofty goal for myself that was too hard to manage.......and when I think of what the success has been in my exercise journey it really has been the consistency of doing if you are somebody who wants to find their way to regular exercise I would suggest choosing an activity you are willing to do and enjoy and just doing it daily, even if it is small......even one exercise class a week counts toward that......I started walking pretty consistently through Covid with my kids.....nearly daily or at least 5x a week and found great gains there......then through my divorce I found some running and walking on the treadmill consistently.......and now I lift weights and box and do a ton of other things I never thought I would, and it evolved from a very small intentional pick taking a walk three times a week this week......don't even say forever you will......just THIS week.......just week by week.....because small goals have a tendency to grow into big accomplishments....... and I have found habit stacking works! Try intermittent fasting if dieting is too overwhelming right now.....I normally do 16 hours of fasting and 8 of eating.....and can eat fairly reasonably and what I want in my window.....especially with the exercise......for me healthier more intentional eating is on my radar as one of new year instead of going all in I am removing some things from our diet, small changes, and making some weekly intentions- small and manageable steps and shifts that can get me to where I want to as I said in my video, which is what made me think of it....instead of a resolution think of it as adding MORE.....more of the stuff that is good for you....adding not taking away;-) powerful mindset shift to keep us from rebelling.....and keep us on track each week toward really building momentum......and once you establish habits and feel the benefits the rest takes care of itself......I hope this maybe will help and make some sense, it came to me to share it, and sort of worked itself out in my head......I am starting with some small eating goals for the kids and I that will start to pave the way for where I want us to be! I hope whatever nudges came to your heart, and whatever the shifts that you may want to make in the new year, find you meeting them successfully by taking small bites and chunks out of them each day......things do not happen overnight.....and I think that trips us all up......big change happens in the aftermath of small and consistent actions.......I wish for all of you to have a really great new year! Taking baby steps to big places;-)

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