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One income.......

It is kinda challenging these days.....I am amazed at the cost of it all, and the financial strain that is living in this world on one income......and I am trusting as I build my life coaching business that the strain will be less.....and I know I can always get a second job if I ever needed to......come heating season, it has challenged my willingness to understand that I will always be fine, always have what I need.......that things are always working out for me:):).....that is my new mantra and it is my favorite for the moment:) I am resourceful, able bodied, capable of figuring out how to make it all work as inflation soars......we are lucky to have gone on vacation this summer to Tennessee, and having my parents share their timeshare to cut down on the expense......and we will be going to Michigan soon to visit somebody dear to us, and will not have to pay for lodging there too.....and to another lake house that my uncle has gotten for a few days.....all such gifts right now.......I am coming up with a heating plan for the upcoming winter......I cannot proceed as normal, and keep my heat at 70 and just roll with is I am looking into alternative heat sources to supplement.......and I am trusting that I will find what I need to help.....and there is an adjustment......going from two incomes to my marriage I was finally at a place where I didn't have to think much about money at all.....could do much of what I wanted, within reason......and was plenty comfortable in my life.....and that feeling had followed me into single motherhood.......I am blessed to make the salary I do......and child support......and it was plenty for this whole is just as of late it has gotten a little intense......I am still wracking my brain to try and figure out a solution for my unfinished kitchen that still stares at me;-) and ultimately as I have said many a times all of it works out......and fretting or giving it all that kind of energy never brings solutions......and only adds that kind of energy to it.....I actually was thinking the other day it would be fun to find a little writing from home gig.......or some kind of telework for now as I build my as I think of it all and trust in it all I know it will work out.......I know last summer at this time, the school year felt like the Titanic.....for many reasons....but Covid being one of them and that all worked out.....the school year was still mighty challenging but the stuff that I worried some about were not an issue.......I truly have fought so hard as this past year has unfolded, to not let worry in at all......there is no point, in nearly every single sense......what comes.....just does.....and everything is always working out for

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