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One day at a time......

Such beautiful wisdom in that right?? I believe it is a slogan used for sobriety and addiction....but it is powerful for us all.....I remember speaking to somebody that had gone through recovery once, and in our discussion realizing that I had inadvertently gone through the steps of recovery in my healing.....sort of by default.....and so much of the stuff out there, is so good for any situation we find ourselves in....and it shows us we are not really separate at all......we are all one situation away from a shared understanding with a person that walks a different path than us:) One day at a time has been my mantra more than once during my journey.....early on, I would try and look ahead, and immediately feel a way that felt crippling at times.....and I would bring my focus back to THE day....and tell myself I can do ALL things today:) Such perfection in the one day at a time philosophy..... many things out there written about how living in the future and the past brings us anxiety and worry, and how to remedy that, we are to stay present in the moment and the day we are in.....I really believe that and so I try and do that whenever I am able....and currently I can feel the tsunami threatening to come in;-) the end of a school year is not for the faint of heart....and the amount of things I need to tick off professionally and at work for the next 3 months is fierce.....In addition I also have a personal to do list that is is quite long.....and everything in this morning.....I am reminding just breathe.....and stay present in today.....knowing that all I need to do....all I am expected to do in today I can:) and I have learned enough to know that whatever lies ahead I am equipped for that too.....or the version of me that will need to be, will evolve and step forward.......we are different versions of us as we question.....and we need to become the people we need to survive whatever comes our way.....and I know that as I journey I will continue to evolve and grow, to meet each challenge and part of my this weekend......I have my kiddos, and amid some St. Patty's Day corned beef cabbage and fun, I plan on crafting my to do all areas, and beginning to mark off each task as it comes, and doing all of what I need to piece by piece.....and trusting it all....and having my eye on the second week of June....when I will be able to catch my breath! Being given the gift of summer, and sitting on my deck, and deeply breathing in summer vacation goodness! I got this! ONE day at a time.............. and so do YOU:)

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