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One brick at a time......

I had lots to accomplish this weekend.....amid the rest.....I did some cleaning and laundry, there is always that right;-) but I had a ton of school work to do, and I did all of that, and I also did some paperwork for my coaching series......I also booked our place for next weekend to go see the Ice Castles in New Hampshire!!!!.....I was keeping an eye on the weather first.....Kendall and Aub are joining us....she is my single mama friend, and her daughter is besties with Mads, and it will be fun adventure for us to have.....and I have committed to this 28 day Pilates challenge for the last couple of weeks....and Saturday I didn't end up finding time to squeeze it in, so I doubled up yesterday to get caught up....and it occurred to me that that is the biggest shift in my new life.....keeping promises to matter what.......I have written of the power found there.....I could have blown it off....I could have.....but I didn't......because I committed to it and promised myself I would complete the full 28 days.....and the success of anything comes brick by brick.....I believe is the small actions we make in our lives, not the big ones that matter....both in a positive way, and a negative is why resolutions don't work as a whole....because somebody crafts a big goal.....often a far reaching going from being a couch person to deciding to do P90X lol:) And for some maybe it works....but I think that is jumping steps.....the ones that work, and help people get to where they need....we all want of it....but the results that stay, are the ones that are built slowly over time....brick by brick....I feel like my fitness has evolved like that, my showing up every day for me and working out....and one day realizing it worked lol:) but I was also thinking about that in terms of my business.....I am faithful to the building of my business.....and of course I wish the success of it happened over night lol:) But nothing worth having happens like has been steadily growing, and I am faithful to the building of it.....brick by by ad.....Saturday video by Saturday video......doing reels now, and Instagram has built my following some on my business site and blog....and it is growing.....and it helps all of it....and if I keep showing up for myself with my wheelbarrow full of bricks, it will pay off.....I know that......I feel the same about being clear about the life I want, and saying no to anything that isn't that is time to really be discerning about all of that in a deeper sense....You can't want a certain thing, and then sabotage that by settling for less than that.....and expect a different result....I think they call that madness lol;-) So yeah.....brick by brick I am building the life I want in this next half of my life.....and I am committed to it the the the the every bit of today is day 21 of the pilates challenge....I really like it....and am planning on incorporating the shorter videos into my regular on my leg day doing a short leg pilates workout alongside of it.....there are some great exercises I have found against the wall....and kneeling while lifting weights, or lifting my weights in a wall sit.....all of those things upping the benefit:) So I will continue pilates beyond my challenge...which is fun......and I am intentionally stretching some now too before I get into my workout...I am hoping that will help my flexibility increase, and that one day I will do that leg straight up on the wall thing she does with ease lol:) And I know I will.....brick by brick.....moving closer and closer to what I want in my life:) Happy Monday! Make it a good one:)

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