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Old ways and new doors.......

So I must say that the energy I have had to work with the last few weeks has been a little rough......but eye opening......forcing me to look at what I need to look at......we had that full moon this past week and it came bringing clarity......and what came to me most of all, beyond worthiness and feeling so strongly about protecting my worth now wherever I go......was that old ways don't open the new doors I want in this life.......proceeding in some of the ways I once did, will lead me to the same unsatisfying places......and it is so interesting to think of....when we are made up of certain solid parts of us that are deeply ingrained.....and part of the fiber of us......but then we watch them in action.....leading to a similar that makes us finally pause and say wait a minute?? How did I get here again....??? And life is like that right? I think we can all relate to that to some different parts of our lives.....and I think the examining of what comes is paramount to finding that clarity, and beginning new ways to open new doors......I have spoken before and will again, right now;-) on the immense power I find in astrology, and the deep fascination I have for it and how it pertains to our lives.....and I have come to really be able to feel what is coming for me to look at, or for me to work leave the lessons needed in its wake.....and Venus has been in retrograde for a minute....which is not the Venus vibes we love.....we love her when she is going forward not backward;-) but there most definitely has been love themes she has brought in her retrograde, that are important, and needed to move us all where we need to be....maybe some of you have felt it too?? But lots has come to me, perhaps more clearer than ever......and it has been sort of a deep and painful kinda transit.....requiring a lot of me, and digging deeply into myself, and looking at things I don't really want to.....but I think if you decide to be brave in the energy that comes, lots can be found on the other side......I know the mistakes I have made in love......the things I have allowed due to my understanding nature.....and am learning to demand another level of love in my life, when the right person comes to love me the way I need/deserve/want to be loved......and the truth is that can be uncomfortable for me.....part of my life's mission in this life is work around shows up that I am fairly great at loving others....but it has eluded me continuously and often in return......and what is that right? lol:) Seems ironically unfair.....but it is clear in my chart.........and sometimes I just imagine the relief when it finally comes......the ahh.....kind of energy.....and like yea I get it now:) Being poured into as I pour.......but in the meantime the work I do and actively do in my life......will all be worth it no matter what.....facing what I need to, even if it is painful.......even if I thought I was fully past it and it shows its face again.......even if........I truly believe if we are brave enough to face whatever energy comes to us to contend with, it is the way forward......luckily much of the planetary juju is also pleasant and comes in many forms.......moving us forward.....and it has supercharged my trust and faith in it all.......having it proven to me that it is very real.....and present in our lives.....and that our journey is magnificently and divinely orchestrated beneath the beauty found in the universe, the sun, the moon, and the stars:) All working together in such a beautiful way......Like God's GPS for our lives if you will:) So yea.....the last couple of weeks have been intense to say the least.....but I feel I am more clear than ever on my worth, and what I deserve in this life from a partner.....and for that I am grateful......I thought I was clear before......but I wasn't quite there......the last couple of weeks pointing out the blind spots teach people how to treat you.....I believe that.......and what you allow will persist........and as I have said I have learned it is easy for me to give grace and room to another.....sometimes to the detriment of me.....and I need to maintain my loving, and open and understanding side, alongside some real standards and boundaries.....and I believe that I can....someday:) As for today my roots are out there waving in the wind and need some cover up lol:) Excited to solve that and get my hair done, and enjoy the day with my crew! Happy Tuesday:) Maybe today will be a little lighter! No pun intended;-)

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