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Nothing to lose........

I am kinda excited because I have new and cool stuff entering my experience regularly now.....and living my life in hi def, at least how I experience it, is such a gift......I just had another cool potential thing enter my life yesterday, I am still processing;-) but here is the thing.....we have nothing to lose......we really don' taking chances.....following things that light us up.....trying new things.....having experiences.....all of it.....when I did that contest awhile back, it was so fun.....and I lost nothing in pursuing is our attachment to things and outcomes that causes the unpleasant stuff......I am working on the "catch and release" philosophy lol;-) if something comes onto my hook or into my net......I am willing to take a look at it....perhaps take a chance on it.....and if it seeks to stay then cool, and if I need to toss it back to make room for a new thing, that is cool too:).....and since I learned some of this, and have been practicing surrender in my daily life in nearly every single life has gotten more sparkly....more things coming......more interesting experiences......I would venture to say that the last two plus years have brought me more vibrant experiences and living than I had had for a good bit in my old life......and yesterday's new opportunity was completely out of left field....just a random small move I had made that yielded a big return......and potential adventure around the corner;-) think......and this is just my conjecture.....that IF....we are brave enough to "fail".....I really hate that word.....because do we ever fail??? In a true sense??? OR do we just learn.....and grow..... and move onto something better suited for us??? So taking failing out of the equation.....and just surrendering to what is.....and making intuitive moves that feel good in our day to day......I think.....think;-) that that is the special sauce.......the living in a way that pleases our souls, and helps us live a life we are crazy about......fear is likely our number one nemesis in this life......and once we can release fear.....and trust, well then magic appears:) I have become a firm believer in magic;-) My life truly feels that way to me most of the time, and I hope when I express that folks don't think I am crazy lol;-) Because I assure you I am not lol;-) I am however alive and awake in a real sense, and welcoming in what comes into my field and feels good.......and seeing where it leads.....what additional doors open.....and trusting it.....and living in the absence of fear......after spending many years afraid feels like bliss in the truest sense........and maybe it is when we look at our lives with reverence and with wonder, that then our lives become filled with things that inspire those feelings?? Maybe;-) I certainly am having a damn good time in my new life, and am so so grateful for all the cool stuff coming.....and plan on seizing each and every opportunity that comes my way, and fills my soul, feeling eternally grateful for it all! :) Happy Hump Day! Halfway y'all;-) Enjoy the day!

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