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No matter what.......

I am going to put my coaching hat on for this blog post....and highlight the importance of a simple but intensely powerful notion.....and one that isn't easy to do.....I was talking to somebody the other day that feels as if they are struggling with their weight, and wanting to tackle the nutrition piece, and the exercise piece.....and well....getting started is the hardest question.....but with my clients, and in the true power of coaching, it really begins with one profound step, and one step you are willing to take NO MATTER for instance....."I will take a 15 minute walk" NO MATTER WHAT.....and it doesn't have to be a grand decision....just a decision.....and I have seen that recipe work time and time again....the beginning small and watching it take rolling a ball for a snowman.....other habits taking hold.....more extensions of that, or increased time exercising happening, as a natural result of feeling the success and consistency of the first thing you did no matter what......simple steps......showing up and doing the things, turns into big ones....if it remains consistent also has to be doable for your life.....not something that is too hard to in the spirit of this I am challenging myself to a 30 day plank challenge alongside my workout.....I am also going to consult with a personal an offer for a free session to go over my routine and tweak it some to maximize results....I have some new fitness goals and things I want to achieve.....pushing more of my physical boundaries.....and seeing where it leads.....while also adding more cardio now that I have more time to exercise! So my 30 day plank challenge will be in the no matter what category......even when I don't wanna lol:) Which will likely be often lol, because planks are tough......I have the high one knocked for a decent amount of time but those low ones challenge me still! I also am committing to adding the bird dog exercise to my ab is such a good one but I always end up dabbling with it, and not following through.....strength training and bodyweight exercises have been a game changer for me.. So alongside my goals this summer to knock off my to do list, and have some adventures......I am adding some fitness increases....and maybe just taking on 30 day challenges one by one is a good way to expand my fitness too....that 30 day pilates challenge I did showed me that....and I have kept the best things I found with me, and kept them a part of my routines! SO matter a powerful force....use it to your advantage....pick something to do no matter what and watch the magic unfold:) Happy Tuesday!

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