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Niagara Falls magic!

So we all get those days from time to time....the perfect ones.....the ones that come together in a way that leaves us feeling its magic in its wake......yesterday was one such day.....the same phenomenon had taken hold for us in Watkins Glen last year.....just a beautiful vibe of serendipitous goodness......and I had planned our trip here for this week....but had held off a little on dates, and planning our excursion to maximize our time here.....and I waited on the weather, watching it....and yesterday looked the best out of my options so I booked it....and it did not disappoint.....We woke to the sun shining.....great air temps....all of were excited....a van with our guide came to get us at the hotel at 9......we picked up a few more older couple from Jersey......and two friends from Arizona....women.... and we were off to board the Maid of the Mist......we got to fast pass the line with the guide and get right in line......donning our blue rain ponchos:) And it was such a gorgeous morning.....beautiful sunshine all of it.....and the captain brought the boat so close to the falls.....the kids and I were up top,....standing....and the guide had told us they have new Tesla boats that make for a smoother ride and he wasn't lying.....considering where he was taking the boat, and the fact we were standing the ride was smooth......we got soaked lol:) but it was magical......just magical.....and watching Mads spin around and laugh her head off as the mist was raining down on us was a highlight.....I got some good shots of all of it without it ruining my Iphone lol:) I did have sneakers on which I sorta feet were soaked.....note to self for next time;-) then we came back and it was just awesome, exceeded my expectations and the kids felt the same.....we all met back up and got in the van and headed to the Cave of the Winds and Goat Island....we watched a cool video about Tesla saving Niagara from crazy pollution and industrial waste in the late 1800s and transforming that energy in the falls to was a super cool movie, and interesting to watch the history of it all.....then we took an elevator ride down into a cave......putting on yellow ponchos and climbing up beside the falls in the Cave of the was so AMAZING.....rainbows galore......the water just raging above us and beside us, all around us....we climbed steps with such great views.....and then they had a hurricane deck up top.....with wind speeds up over 70 mph that you could stand on, so we did lol:) Gabe stood back but Mads and I got right in and were hooting and hollering and laughing:) And that sealed the deal on basically showering in Niagara.....I took my hat off and took advantage of an opportunity to rid myself of hat head lol;) it was so fun.....we loved it.....and then we came back up and met the guide and walked around the park to all the key spots....drying off in the sunshine......and then we stood above the electricity, so much so our hair was lifting some, which was cool.....he shared stories of the people who have jumped the railing going over the falls....most recently a mother and her child:(.....the mother did not survive but her child did.....which is amazing to think of......the guide said the child was Madeline's age......another woman accidentally drove into the falls, she was on medication....and her car had recently been lodged up many interesting stories.....and history of such an amazing spot.....The Niagara Falls park being the oldest park in the US.....that was kinda cool we toured some more and then got dropped back to our hotel.....our guide was a young guy in college here....super great, and we enjoyed our time with him.....then we changed and headed to a place that was recommended to us for wings....I mean we are in Buffalo so;-) and they were so good.....then we did a little shopping.....then came to the hotel to chill some and took naps......heading back to the park to wander around at dusk.....grabbing a slice of pizza to eat at the falls.....and wait for them to light it up.....and for the fireworks at 10.....and we did.....and it was magical.....all magical.....:) The fireworks and the rainbow falls were super special, we got a great spot on the top of the observation deck......We may not have had a ton of time here.....but we got the most out of every minute we spent pedometer clocked 6.5 miles when we got back here last was everything I hoped for the kids and I.....I planned this trip financially to work for us....and was strategic with all of it....and wanting us to have another adventure to put on our docket and it was....and I love traveling with my kids....they are easy travelers.....flowing with what comes...marveling at the things I do.....getting the beauty found in simple and big stuff....and I hope they remember yesterday all of their the perfect day like I will:) Till next time Niagara, we will be back:)

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