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New Chapter awaits.......

So as some of you may have seen, I put my new chapter out there again yesterday....and it felt really good to have it be so well have people see me as I want to be seen and understand where I am headed......and part of putting it out there in that to help it gain its wings.....I believe what we focus on and nurture comes to fruition.....and part of saying our truth, helps it become true:) I have been doing life coach research the last few days and I just get more excited. I also am so excited because I feel like the skills I already possess will help me find success.....but there is also a skill set I will need that I think will push me, and stretch me further and require more of me.....and that excites me.....teaching and coaching are the same but a teacher I am more in charge of my classroom and what goes on.....and helping kids with a more hands on approach and in a more intertwined way.......because they are coaching it will never be my role to tell anybody what they should do.....or manage their stuff.....which, truth be told, will be hard for me.....teachers are kinda bossy LOL;-) it will require me checking myself and backing off from that when I am helping somebody, and I love that I will gain that just be able to listen and ask questions that will lead people to what they want......what they need....what they desire.....while offering the support to do that......and not giving my opinion in any of that.......I also think it will help me become a better listener.....we all know how much I love to talk;-) Words are my addiction, both spoken and written, lol:) So I am excited to become better at listening and getting quieter with people and developing a relationship in a different way.......the classes I will be taking will have no video for that not get distracted by social cues or any of it.....just listening to everybody.....and I listened to a sample class last night and it was so interesting......because it did hone that in a big way......and the program will be 22 weeks.....with the beginning part helping me learn how to coach....and the second part actually practicing it and creating a by the time April comes I will already have paying clients and a business up and running while having the support from everybody in my class and my mentor coach!:):) HOW EXCITING!!! And I can create this business alongside teaching and that feels really wild leaps.....yet;-) But my goal is most definitely to create a successful coaching business....that is the plan........and the other awesome part is it can all be done virtually.....I can connect with anybody anywhere.....and that flexibility is really important to me! So I think the first challenge once I begin is to really learn what coaching is......and what it isn't.....think there are many subtle nuances....habits I will need to break......that will be important for me to really understand......I have always wanted to own my own business also.....always......the flexibility of that has always appealed to me....I have made several attempts through other companies and been successful at certain points and at others not so much......but each time I learned a bunch and know that if it were the right fit for could really be something.....and this feels like a puzzle piece for my soul:) The last 10 months has been about finding myself.....healing myself......loving on myself.......and now I feel like a new chapter has opened......this one is about creating a totally new life! AND I CANNOT WAIT!!! AAHHHH! Just SO excited:)

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