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My readers.......

I wanted to devote a blog to my readers today:) I feel like I have the most devoted readers out there.....and I am SO grateful for each one of you, and so appreciative of your daily support of something that is so important to me and I thank you from the depths of my heart for your commitment to reading EVERY day:)....... it is hugely validating for me to know there is a pocket of folks out there that have read faithfully from the jump......from the moment I put my first one out there.....and now 3 plus years later they are still reading....or knowing there are others that have stumbled upon it and have kept it in their daily routine too.....and some of my readers have watched the journey from the beginning till now....knowing where I began and where I am today and how long of a road that was.....and it is humbling to have that faithful kind of following.....and that kind of fierce loyalty......loyalty is such a big theme in my life.....feeling as if I have always given it.....but not always gotten it.....and to have a group of people that are loyal to my blog, and the things I want to say...or need to SO appreciated.....and though I would write it every day at this point if nobody read it;-) and have said that many times......I love that people do....and the messages I get, and the feedback of the impact it makes sometimes makes my commitment to it worth it......I was talking to one of my readers last night.....a woman who has read from the beginning, and her feedback about it was so kind and validating....and her acknowledgement of seeing the journey unfold, and knowing that my healing was found in every word that has traveled across my computer screen.....every single one.....and keeping all of this in....and not sharing my journey in the ways I have.....for me......would have kept me from moving forward in my healing would have stifled my healing.....poisoned me to hold it all in and let it roll around hidden away.....and she is an early morning reader, and I was joking that I feel guilty if I sleep in, and post it later for my early risers lol:) And she joked about that too....and I said if there is ever a day I don't post it at all come looking for me, I am being held hostage lol:) My blog is deeply a part of me today....and I have no idea how long I will blog for......I don't give it much thought.....I know that as long as it makes sense for long as my heart is happy doing it, I will continue to do is one of the decisions I made that I will never has changed the direction of my healing....I know that:) Plus it seems that the further I travel, and certainly up ahead this year, I will have exciting things to write about! Amen:) Have a great day, and to my loyal folks I am so grateful for you:) Truly:)

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