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My lessons in time and timing.........

Time has factored itself into this story in so many interesting ways, carrying many gifts and insights......the obvious part being the passage of it, and the fact that there is some truth to time healing some wounds.....the distance between you and the event that caused the wound helps ease it some......rounds out the edges.....dulls it there is that......but more than that, time has become a teacher to me......I have learned to be more intentional about my time.....what I choose to pour myself into, and value my time in the day to day in a more present way.....creating a sacred space in my day to blog, meditate, workout and run, and sip coffee in the shine of the Christmas lights......I have always gotten up early to drink my coffee slowly before the day takes hold.....but now I am carving out three hours to do all the things and get my kids ready and going.......and it is worth it......I look forward to it every morning when my eyes open......which leads me to my other lesson in time......that we don't have the time to_______________ fill in the blank........and I was guilty of the same, and you know what normally goes in that blank.......are the things that are good for us.....the self care stuff.......we cannot seem to believe that we are worth it......that carving that time is paramount in nearly every single way......did I ever think I would rise at 4:30 to be intentional about my self care every way......the Jenn of a few years ago would have told you you were crazy to even suggest who does that??? Even though most of my adult mom life was spent rising at at least 5:30 to do what needed to be done.......but back then I was way too tired.....too depleted......way to tired to run at that hour, like what???? and the truth is my spare time was spent trying to unwind.....mindless Netflix.....or mindless scrolling or other less fulfilling ways to fill my my cup leaked endlessly.....never full.....running on caffeine and fumes......telling myself I didn't have time for me....and here I am with double the of one.....same house to keep up with, same kids to care for, and a bunch of other stuff too.....BUT I have found the does that work? Yes I don't have a husband to entertain or take care of lol;-) but that time did not come to me by magic, it was always there......waiting to be used for a noble purpose.......used with intention.....used for passionate purposes.......I just couldn't see it......because I was stuck in the "I don't have time" mindset.....and if we are honest......really honest...... we do have time....if we think of our days........but I don't share this as a judgement......please don't misunderstand.....I GET IT........been there done that....have the t-shirt:) AND it feels super valid......we are all so busy in our lives and have so many things pulling at us.....but what I will say is job has never been as stressful or draining as it is this year.......not life has never been this unsettled.........but YET.......due to my investment in self care and my magic mornings......I do not feel depleted in the ways I used gives me the strength to endure......and fills my cup as it gets poured out of daily......we end up having time for the mandatory in our lives.....right? So self care, whatever that looks like for you, needs to become mandatory.....scheduled in like all the rest.......I believe that.....and then consistency organically takes just I challenge you, if you are reading this and feeling like you don't have time to give to YOU, that you challenge yourself to question that? In a gentle way.....don't judge yourself.......just maybe FIND some TIME JUST FOR YOU:) I promise it is worth it:)

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