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My Foreword

I am starting to piece my book together as I mentioned......watching the words and the experience take flight......and it is so exciting to think that one day I could see it bound and ready for publishing.....helping people that have found themselves in my same spot able to read it and find some kind of hope within the pages......hope in knowing that the acute and crushing pain doesn't last forever.....that if you can endure that part you can survive....and that each day there is slight improvement.....and that the best thing one can do in that situation is to focus on themselves......not on their ex......our power lies in controlling what we can control......and in that space we forge our strength and our new narrative out of the rubble.....helping propel us forward.......I wanted to share my foreword for my book here with everybody......I hope it resonates with somebody.....and it the platform that I am building all the rest of this book on:)

It is the trials by fire that shape us, that make us. The ones that test our boundaries and our threshold for pain and suffering and our ability for triumph. The things that come to find us that we are not expecting, ones that we don’t see coming. And when they come we have the choice. The choice to let them destroy us, or to let them change us in the ways we need to, so we can live the life we were meant to live all along. My last trial by fire was by far my most challenging one, but came bearing the greatest gifts on the other side. However I did not arrive where I am on the wings of only this experience, I suppose the arrival was years in the making. Through all the trials before. Paving the way for this one. I think these things come to us and test our willingness to accept them as they are, instead of railing against what they bring to our doorsteps. In acceptance there is most definitely peace. No question about it. Sometimes it is hard to find our way there. It feels better to stay in the denial part of our challenge. Or the stamping our feet part. Wishing it were different somehow. It has taken me many trials to come to the place where I have learned to accept what comes. Look for the rainbows and not focus so much on the rain. Ask the experience what it has to share with me? Why has it arrived? What is it that it has to say to my soul? And in those questions there are normally profound answers to be found. So the story you are about to read is one of tragedy and one of triumph. It is a human story, I am an ordinary woman. A woman that found light at the end of such a dark tunnel, a light that is so bright and wonderful, that her mind can almost not believe that it has come for her. This is a story of hope, faith, and gratitude. One that changes perspectives and hopefully inspires the reader to seek and find some of those same things. To realize clearly so much of our life is what we make it. It is found in the daily habits of our lives, and in the attitude that we bring to our adversity. In those small choices, and in the consistency we start to chart a magical path for ourselves on the other side of it all! It has come to me very clearly to share what I know now. In the hopes that it reaches the lives it is meant to reach. Touches them in the ways my life has been touched, and helps anybody facing the fire, helping them find some respite and hope. A way to walk through the fire, and not let it burn all that is sacred. Lending an awareness that it is in these flames that our true strength is realized. I believe inside of all of us lives a warrior. A true hero. One capable of saving ourselves when we need it most. It is in the finding of this hero, this warrior that the true healing begins. Once we find this warrior we need to fall in love with them. With ourselves, learning to love ourselves as we have loved others. Until we learn to love ourselves nothing in our lives will change. I believe that as well. Loving ourselves well is one of the greatest gifts we can give in our lives. Being enough without another. Without a lover, or a partner to validate our existence. Finding that validation within ourselves, that worth inside of ourselves. That is the true flex. Falling madly in love with ourselves and having the love affair we have always needed to have. Only then can we love another well. I hope this story resonates with you. I hope it helps you find your inner warrior, inner badass, inner lover. I hope it helps you find the courage to face your own fires with a renewed outlook and wonder, finding out what it has to teach you. I truly do wish all of that for you and more :)

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