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My daughter inspires me........

I have written about her journey at Acton and what it requires of her before.......requiring her to be uncomfortable and to push and grow......and the truth is when I read about it the very first time, I knew that it was the place for her.....but then the timing of it concerned me......I remember being at the Open House and discussing the Acton journey with fellow parents, and worrying about whether it would require too much of her because she had just had her heart broken......she was very shy and withdrawn with other people at the time and in the wake of his I wondered if she had the reserves and space in her to endure on this journey into Acton.......but turns out all of that thought was moot and unnecessary.....when I say that Mads has thrived and grown in leaps and bounds this year, that doesn't even adequately describe it......she has truly embraced every single part of this journey and made it her own......she has embraced being uncomfortable and pushing herself outside of her comfort zone......she has embraced their philosophy.......their language......their mission and made it her own.......she understands it.......she understands the special nature of it and what she needs to do........and watching her transform this year has been so special for watch her find her confidence and her voice, and come out of her shell......feeling safe enough to do so......has been so amazing.....I remember in the beginning her barely speaking at cousin works there, and she would say Mads didn't say much.......she has always been a quiet observer......but it was to a whole new level after everything happened......borderline when she went off in the fall, she did not seem scared or nervous......just quiet.......and recently I went there for her exhibition and watched her give a speech in front of the parents about a group project she had done.....full of confidence and is not something I thought I would see so soon......but more than that her grit impresses me......her willingness to be uncomfortable to achieve something bigger than her.......I feel like she and I connect so deeply there.....made of that stuff.......and to watch my little girl be developing that deep inside her......makes my heart be gaining and embracing all of this at her age is such an will take her to such amazing places......she speaks her mind......and shares her heart......and is brave in speaking her truth......I never want her to lose as I sat there listening to her teacher recap her first year's journey at touched my heart so deeply and inspired hear that her teacher sees it all too.....her silence in the beginning and her emergence into being a in the beginning she went to the older kids for support and now kids go to her to ask questions and get she meets challenges head on and endures.......just all of it.......she has survived her first and biggest test in her meet adversity and challenge after her dad leaving and our divorce with grace and strength.......we never want heartache and trauma to come and find our kids......not ever.......but we can't control what comes into their lives......their journeys are just that.....theirs.......all we can hope for is that they are equipped with the resources to endure.....and my girl came into this world with some of these things inside of question........but she is most definitely acquiring all of these things so deeply inside of her and more as she travels.......I am learning from her every day and she inspires me indeed:)

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