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My Covid kids......

Did I mention this week tried to kill me lol:) I have had everything every day, with an early morning faculty meeting, and my late night Open House mixed in with an already packed schedule.....hello Friday I could kiss ya:) Last night at Open House I had some of my Covid kids come back to say hi.....the ones I taught during Covid and the pandemic, and as my divorce was unfolding.....and it was so interesting to see it through their eyes.....first the excitement and intention to come back to see me touched my heart.....and I cannot stress or articulate accurately, how crazy that section of road was.....absolutely unbelievably crazy....teaching from home all that time, and then eventually going into a hybrid model and back in person.....with so much of the threat of it all looming.....being masked and 6 ft apart, and teaching through such of the boys came back, I have his brother now....and his mom said he was so excited to see me that he wanted to miss football practice if they had ended up having it last night to come say hi.........and he came in last night and gave me a big hug.....and his mom told me that they were both talking about me in the car, and the older brother had said I was his favorite teacher, and the little one I have now said he already knows that he feels the same already lol:) I hope I continue to stay on his good side;-) that group is in middle school Covid of the other boys came and was reminiscing with me........and we were talking about the schedule during hybrid....and some of the other kids that I had had......and he was sharing such sweet memories with me with a big smile on his face......and from my standpoint on any given day I felt like that year was a mess.....the pandemic had been raging, and I had been teaching from home......and then mid year after Christmas my ex world falling apart.....and within a week we had to go back in person.....and I was not at my best for sure....but somehow I made a positive impression on those Covid kids....the ones that I got to know by looking in their eyes....over our masks......learning to read their emotions and every subtle nuance in the light of their eyes.....and bonding through our shared connection of such a powerful time in all of our I was talking to this boy I was remembering one conversation we had had, one about what we would do after the pandemic was over.....and they were very excited at the idea of burning their masks, having a party and a bonfire......and I remember even then standing their and feeling like at the time that sounded like heaven......having been restricted in my own life for so long....the pandemic and the desolation and isolation becoming a metaphor for my life during my ex's affair.....and I remember that day vividly, having us all excitedly talk of all we would return to once the pandemic ended.....and as I spoke to that boy last night and was touched by his sweet memories of such a dark time, I was also reminded of the gift it all is now....the hustle and bustle of a normal Open House.....people connecting, close to one another.....teaching under normal, well semi normal circumstances lol:) not sure I know what normal is it was a good reminder, a reminder to stay grateful, grateful for what is.....and what is no longer......grateful for the strength to endure, even when life is hi def.....grateful to have survived that time in so many ways....and for sure grateful it is FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!! Make it a good one y'all:)

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