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My Birthday........mid life......and more.....

So today I am 45. Standing smack dab in the center of my life if all goes right;-) I have always loved my birthday, it feels nice to have a day to acknowledge the life you have been given and be grateful to be able to move through another year! SUCH A GIFT.....but this birthday feels a little is my first birthday as a single YEARS.....decades actually.....and even though my 40s have been wrought with some challenges I have been LOVING them! Being in your 40s is the sweet spot.......I feel like being in your 40s is a magical time of are more set financially and in your life, and you know better WHO YOU ARE, and the weight of others thoughts about you and your life falls away a start to feel more comfortable in your I sit here turning 45, with more white hair by the day;) I am not anywhere near where I believed I would be when 45 would come and find me.......not even close......not on the brink of a divorce, not being left by my husband, not be a single mama, not being alone in the world to forge ahead......not one bit of what my life has become.......but you know what that is the magic of this just never know what is around the corner......have to enjoy the good stuff when it is good and move through the hard stuff when it comes.......and now I have reached the halfway point line of my life and I am lit up at what the next half holds.......what treasures I have awaiting me up ahead........and my prayer is to keep becoming more of me, and more of who I am deep in my soul with each passing year........owning all of it.........and it feels exciting to be beginning a new chapter of my life........right here in the middle........plot twist ;-) I am so very grateful as I sit here this morning typing this......just enormously GRATEFUL.......The past year has held some of the biggest challenges of my life and I have been met with such amazing support and people in my life at every single turn.........I am ENORMOUSLY GRATEFUL for my parents......they have helped so much since all of this began and I could not do all I need to do without their support and THANK YOU LOVE YOU BOTH SO MUCH:) I am also SO grateful to my friends and family that listen to me endlessly, that support my journey, that send me memes to cheer my on and spark my motivation to grow and keep on growing! All the people that reach out about my blog, or my journey and say the kindest things.....things that touch my heart so deeply........about who they think I am in this world, it is so humbling........I got dealt a strange set of cards but I don't feel for one minute like a victim, I just feel infinitely blessed by all of the things that continue to come into my path that help me climb this mountain each and every day.......and what drives me is the learning who I am, of who I am becoming, of who I want to be in this world and the other thing that drives me is what that view from the top is going to be like.........when I stand on top of my mountain one day........after this long and difficult climb, I have a feeling the view......well that view..........will make all of it worth it, just all of it:) Here is to the gift of another year on this planet! Another year to show up, another year to love, another year to live my life with faith and gratitude in my heart! :) Cheers y'all:):)

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