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Mr. Staffieri.......

So this week has been teacher appreciation week......and I thought it necessary to write about one of the teachers that affected my life deeply, and one I learned a great deal from......and ironically as I was double checking the spelling of his name, I discovered that he had passed away On May 11th, just like my sister, so perhaps the remembering of him is timely...... He was my English teacher in high school......and I attribute so many of the things I know.....particularly related to writing to him.......he is the reason I remember how to use then and than properly......neither or nor.......latin roots......basically all things grammar, and how it all pertains to grandma had a large hand in that too, forever correcting us and it stuck lol:) He also taught a great deal of vocabulary.......and so with my love of language I was in, captivated by what he had to teach us........Mr. Staffieri was an amazing teacher.......his spirit was one of light, fun, and humor.......I remember him smiling often...........there are still things he taught me, that come to me as I write my blog......rules that play in my head, or things that now come naturally to me because of his instruction.......and I would venture to say I learned the most about all of those things that year.....I had one English professor in college that I learned a great deal about writing from also, but more form and process than mechanics......I also went to London with Mr. Staffieri and another teacher in high parents told me if I could save the money I could go......and I had a paper route when I was young, and then right into slinging ice cream at DQ as a teen and beyond, so I had the funds;-) And going to London was such an amazing I am so grateful I got to experience, as I don't have many invitations, or the means to travel to such places these days;-) We jammed all the sightseeing goodness into that week.......Big Ben, Salisbury Cathedral, Stonehenge, William Shakespeare's cottage........just to name a few........and as a teacher myself, I now realize what a huge undertaking and responsibility that take a bunch of teenagers to London......and we may or may not have bent the rules some lol:) And somehow got away with it.....but we had an amazing experience......a trip we likely all remember still to this day.......and his willingness to give up his time to chaperone made that possible.......I now wonder as a teacher myself how that all worked? Like did he have to pay for it himself too?? So many questions, lol;-) ........I remember in true teenage fashion all of us eating at the Pizza Hut in London often, to avoid some of the other food lol:) We did eat fish and chips one night and some other food I remember now as I am writing this lol:) funny what stays with I guess my goal, was to share my deep appreciation for him.....and the impact he made in my life as a fine this year's teacher appreciation week winds down........I feel forever grateful for the things that he taught me.....and for stoking the fire I held for writing and language.......and giving me such a great foundation to be able to express myself through the written word for all the years to come.......There is nobody that will ever say anything but amazing things about experience being far from unique.........he made a lasting impression on all of his students.....and was well loved......and isn't that the point? When you become a teacher.....holding such a huge change lives.....create a lasting impression......and I would say that his mission was completed......I am forever grateful for the impression he left in my life....for the things I learned from him.........some 35 years later......I would say that is impressive indeed:) Happy Teacher Appreciation week in heaven Mr. Staffieri.....Amen!

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