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Mr. Connecticut........

SO.....enough about sick kids and sick mamas....let's talk boys lol:) Awhile ago I had talked about FB dating and liking it over other dating apps and even making a promising connection.....Mr. Connecticut we will call him for lack of a better name lol:) he does live in Connecticut, not too far from here.....and we began our dating site banter.....the get to know you some protocol, to see if we vibed.....did I mention how much I love dating sites;-) anyway it was going well and we seemed to have lots in common.....common views of the world.....similar levels of curiosity.......similar beliefs.......similar regard for our children and their importance.....just those preliminary important things that I look for as I have embarked on this journey.....and he seemed to really enjoy getting to know me until........he just sort of wasn't around anymore??? there is sort of this unspoken dating site etiquette, that I have come to understand, that you are semi available to get to know somebody once you connect, not every minute but enough on and off so that you don't waste anybody's time? Or at least make your interest clear and proceed accordingly......So people get busy, stuff comes up.......people have lives beyond dating sites no doubt:-) I took that into consideration, in the wake of the silence, and just became direct to see where his head was in all of it......electronic communication is wildly convenient but leaves so much to assumption and conjecture.....making it hard to really know what somebody is thinking and feeling.....and I decided every step of this journey to be honest and me.....and if somebody will be in my life they will get that and like that about me.....and part of being me is being "hey are you still interested in continuing to get to know each other or maybe not?" Either way fine, I just prefer to know and not be left in some weird cyberspace in between.....and one response came that didn't really answer the question explaining his absence and then I said my peace kindly and moved along......and it got me thinking why it is hard for people to just speak their truth??? Even over the computer.....say what is on their heart......letting somebody know what is going on with them.......and it makes me kinda sad......I know that perhaps at times I can be overly an attempt to not cause miscommunication.....miscommunication messes stuff just does.....but I am learning much of the world, particularly the dating world does not abide by that same philosophy......and I need direct and clear in my life or I need not at all......that is just the truth of it.....and it all really amuses me ultimately at how hard it is to connect at all with people:)......with all this access to technology and connecting with folks across the miles, yet to actually get to a dinner table in a restaurant somewhere just seems nearly impossible lol:) At least for me......what online dating has been great for for me, is honoring and holding my boundaries.....and not settling......not settling for what I don't want, and not settling to be treated in a way that I don't deserve....simple onward and online dating story awaits;-)

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