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Becoming a mother has been one of the most rewarding things I have ever done in all my greatest role:) My children are my greatest blessings no favorite favorite people to hang with......our collective vibe is one of harmony and ease....and they are easy to mother......I mean that.......and now in my life I have become impassioned to try and champion women.....all women but particularly mothers......because I have come to learn that perhaps they are one of the most invisible and taken for granted groups in our mothers we are asked to give up all of ourselves to "do it right".....surrender every bit of what makes us a woman.....or who we are deep inside of our souls, and just be a mother......and what I have learned is that that is all wrong.....there is an absolute way to find balance in the roles, but it is not mothers' faults for becoming extreme in it is so hard not to.....and I don't imply by saying any of this that mothers should not be present and all in for their children.....I believe that.....that mothers should nurture their children deeply, and be there for them however and whenever they need, and make personal sacrifice, because truly....... let's face it, if you are a mother, that part is inevitable, sometimes daily, and it is part of the glorious and wondrous job we signed up for:) BUT what I am saying is that moms deserve to hold onto parts of themselves, to hang on tightly to remembering who they are......alongside being a mama.....and take care of themselves in the ways they do their children.....because being a depleted and neglected mom doesn't make anybody their best self......and what I found in my own life of once upon a time....the better I was at juggling it all, the more things I had to juggle.....we need to give moms some respite from time to time.....time to catch their breath and recharge.....time to renew.....and we shouldn't make them feel that is too much to ask.....mothers are human too, maybe superhuman;-) but human indeed.....I guess I just feel we should nurture moms in society too......and when my ex left, and I was left to mother in that agony, that notion became really clear to me.....moms need time to do the human stuff too, like grieve and process, and in this chapter of my life......I feel I have found balance in getting to know the woman I am deeply, and discovering her more and more every day, taking care of her and honoring her, and still remaining a present and the best mama I can be to my kids every single day......they drive every decision I make.....every single thing I have swallowed in this journey, or let go of has been for them......for their peace, their healing, their happiness or ease.....seeking to make this situation not one ounce harder than it needs to be.....but they also get to have a happy mother too due to the other things I choose, seeing me choosing things that nurture my soul and allow myself to be present in my own life my wish for all the mothers is that you get spoiled rotten today, you so deserve it:)......but you also deserve some of that the other 364 days of the year, I am telling you in case nobody has recently:) Try and learn to love yourself in the way you love your kiddos and that is where some magic happens:) Happy Mother's Day! Your children are so very blessed to have you! :).....You all inspire me:)

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