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Monkey in the middle.......

Do you remember that game as a was not my favorite......playing games, especially sporty ones, or ones that had some aggressive undertones attached used to stress So monkey in the middle or dodge ball, not my jam;-) now I feel I am back in that between my daughter and her dad and his girlfriend......there is a situation that has arisen that I have been doing my best to solve.......unsuccessfully.....and it has been escalating some. And I feel like the monkey in the middle......such a delicate dance.....trying to maintain peace, which is always my goal......but also addressing what needs to be addressed......and well.....sigh.......and what I would like to do would not be helpful or fruitful in the resolution of it requires a level of self that I am good at having.....but becomes more and more challenging as my child is having the challenges she I am trying my best to figure out how to solve it with the limited communication I have with my ex......and it may be at the point where it is time to go back to mediation......and discuss these things there.......and I wish that were not the case but it may be at the place where there is no longer a choice......I have attempted to speak to her, and share the concerns, and it has fallen on deaf ears it we are.....and living in this spot is so cannot be overstated how challenging it is......but I must rise above that challenge, and do what is right in this situation......and for my child so that will be what I will week seeking to solve it, or begin to initiate the solving of it.....and what is going on is just a needless that is absurd, and could be easily solved if the party was willing or able to.......but unfortunately what people do is about them.....I have written that over and over......and what is going on is a deep part of this person and solving it would take some work and introspection, and so many things......and the realization that it is a huge problem.......which I just don't think will happen.....not easily it is up to me to step up, and grab the ball from going back and forth, and not be the monkey in the middle anymore, stopping the madness......and so I will..........

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