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It is a word and idea that has been coming up a lot lately......we need momentum in our life to move forward in the things we want.....and momentum that we don't want can be created as is a powerful force......we have to be careful has been coming up in my meditation manifestation stuff......talking about thoughts and helping them gather and gain momentum in a positive direction.......helping the momentum power me to the places I want to go......I had a lot of momentum around my coaching at the end of my program......ready to begin to build.....and then summer began, vacation happened.......covid came a calling, and my momentum waned some and it has left me feeling some kinda way.......until the other day! Awhile ago a friend of mine said she had referred me to somebody she knew, and the other morning I woke up thinking about it.......wondering about it.......I am not sure how it popped into my mind but it did......then an hour or so later the phone rang......and it was this woman......she and I had a lovely conversation, getting to know each other some, and she is interested in beginning some coaching with me:) We have a session Monday.......:) and just like that I feel momentum again......and now feel more focused on what I need to do.....I have my own coaching session next week to consult and figure out the direction I am headed.......and working on the marketing of the women's series I want to see come to life:) It is like anything else.......what we focus on grows.....what we give our attention to moves forward.....and the last few weeks have been sorta energy feeling a bit scattered except for my normal routine stuff.....and I just need to become intentional again......using this new client as a jumping off place to build that momentum I had going help redirect my focus. It all reminds me of when you were little and would start a whirlpool in your pool.......walking around in a circle.....have your friends join you......creating movement and momentum and pretty soon there it was........a super fun whirlpool to play is sorta like that......for better or worse.....your thoughts and actions creating a living breathing example out in front of you of what you are creating.....what you are giving your momentum too........or more accurately what you are creating momentum as my new client called I was reminded of all of that......of that feeling of the zone again......and where I want to be.......and it sparked something in me that I needed to find again.......after the heaviness of the last two weeks.....a shot in the arm if you will.......and I plan on creating momentum once again to the places I want to be:)

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