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Midnight Meditation........

I have talked quite a bit about meditation in my life and the power it holds there now.....was just talking to somebody the other day about it, she too meditates frequently, and was talking about the power in it......its ability to ground and center you immediately, making you feel better about whatever ails you......I am still working on not using guided meditation.....I have tried a few times, to just put meditation music on and go for it.....but I find I get more out of guided ones, at least for now......and really there is no right or wrong way I is in the meditation where the power ability to go deeper, drown out the outside world, and get as much as I can from meditation, has gotten really good these days.....Lately I have been sleeping good and longer.......this summer getting up later which has been good.....although come school time not sure if it will be hard for me to regain my schedule.....I am guessing I truly am a morning person:) Will just have to adjust........but the last week or so, I have found myself up in the middle of the night again......with lots on my mind......stuff swirling......and I know better than to entertain such truly is just that.......everything is always working out for me;-) and overthinking and thinking about something to death, is a waste of time and energy......I trust it will all work out......but I guess my head has been full, and I have been up a few times.....and I decided instead of scrolling or fretting I would do a meditation in the middle of the night for sleep......and it has been amazing! I often like to meditate before bed as it is a great way to gently fall asleep and sleep well.......but doing it in the middle of the night is magic too.....immediately bringing me back to quiet and peace.......making my body still and my mind quiet.......returning to my breathing......finding the peace that reigns there.......meditation is really mostly about breathing.......we all walk around holding our breath......waiting to exhale.......not even realizing we do.....and there is such power in taking a deep breath......such a simple yet profound tool we all have at our disposal each and every day to use.......something about that simple act, hits a reset button allowing for us to do the next thing with some more clarity and I took a breath......and then another......settled into the meditation and before I knew it it was this morning and I had fallen into a deep sleep......I offer this up to you, to share a strategy that works......if you find yourself up in the night.......maybe try........I just use Youtube and look up sleep meditations........I tend to run in cycles......most nights sleeping straight through, but then getting in these patterns of finding myself staring at the ceiling in the middle of the night......and I am learning that meditation is always the the morning, before bed, and in the middle of the night:)

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