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So meditation has been on my bucket list for a really long time......I have made attempts before and felt really unsuccessful in those mind was too noisy.....too restless.....too cluttered........I didn't have the time to do it with fidelity....the list goes on and on.......but for nearly two weeks I have been doing it every single day......and all I have to say is WOW.....I get it totally now......I really is the same way that I feel about daily exercise.....that I get that now too.....and I guess that is how it goes, you don't get it till you get it, in all parts of our in meditation I have found some remarkable insight and healing, and am able to get really quiet with myself, and hear my deepest self in that space for the first time ever......the part of me that knows what is wise for my soul......knows what will eventually heal it and allow me to live the life of my dreams.....the one I am meant to live......and it has been amazing to see the things that have come up, and the things I have been able to release through it......and as I am committing to blogging, to exercise, I am going to commit to this daily also......I believe you can run your day or your day can run you......and being really intentional now about my day has made all the difference. And we all really do have time to carve out to meet our day with that kind of intention if we make the effort.......I often fell into the "I am too busy" excuse and it felt really good to say, and I think I really believed it......but are we really ever too busy to take care of ourselves and make a better life for ourselves?..... or to become happier more peaceful people that can then in turn share that with our kids or the people we are around? I know now that is a NO........I realize now I am off for the summer, and that certainly makes instilling more things in my day easier........I was able to blog and exercise alongside work last year fairly easily and I am already planning these added things around my upcoming work schedule and my kid's lives, and figuring out how I will make it work, and keep it a constant as the school year comes upon us soon. I am committed to making that happen......Luckily I am an early riser and that will help to carve some of that time out.......My point of sharing this is to share how beneficial meditation is, like amazingly so........ and tell you that you should check it out if it is something that calls to you......or maybe even if it isn't calling to you give it a try.......but more importantly what I am saying is to be more intentional about your day......adding the good stuff one by one until your life is full of it is the key I am finding during this stage of my as not to overwhelm you, just start the process of adding stuff that sets your soul ablaze.....that nurtures you and is good for you........I think as healing as this blog has been for me, meditation will be I get better at being still and letting what comes up comes up, I believe there will be enormous clarity and peace found there too........I am really excited as I move ahead in my life at the possibilities there truly feels like a really special time in my life and I plan on embracing it all and remaining so very grateful for every bit of it:)

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