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Medicinal powers???

I have written many times of the fact that I listen to music so often now in my new was what I used to fill the space when he left......that deafening silence that was left after twenty years.....but as time has gone on, I am really wondering about what power that lies in listening to music so often.....I listen to it when I get up and begin my blog..........normally while I am making lunches.......during my workout......while I am getting ready.......on the way to work.......on my way home.......and as soon as I come through the door while I am cooking etc.....and sometimes when I am relaxing at night.......I still don't watch too much on TV....and I wonder if that much music does really contribute to wellness in a real sense?? I know for me it elevates my mood.....makes me happy......and the funny thing is I have different music I choose for each of those scenarios;-) a wide And really I just enjoy it for sure boosts my mood and makes me feel true joy......I like to sing and dance some too:) I have always loved music.....but have definitely gone through phases where I haven't listened to it as much.......and for a span of years not very much at all.....and now with so much of it pumped into the background of my life.....I am wondering about the power in truly......I think I will explore it some.....I was reading something about a certain frequency and the hertz found in certain music, and it balancing chakras and used for was using specific music to accomplish healing.......or balancing of somebody's use of it not being intentional......just instinctual.......and random at best......and sometimes I wonder if I should let the silence play sometimes.......sit in the discomfort of that......I do when I meditate.....but beyond that???.....but then I think whatever comes to me to do......whatever I feel ready to do is OK.......I suppose it has become a habit now, like the kids know that it is always on.....and they both like music a lot too......I guess what has made me wonder about it more deeply, is because of the importance it has found in my new life......and how it felt like another rescue boat in the the beginning I would just sit for hours and let it play around me as I managed the pain and suffering.....but now it isn't like is just a part of me......and soothes every part of my soul......and feels like a gift.....I always had a knack for recognizing a song right away.....not great at names of songs but, definitely the recognition of them and knowing all the words.......that love of language stepping forward again lol.....a few notes and I parents listened to a lot of music too when I was a I was exposed to all of it......I loved singing in the chorus, loving mix tapes lol all of it:) So I am I let this all spill out......that I don't need to worry if I let the music play all the time.....resisting the silence, at least not is not hurting anybody and on any given day helping immensely.....grateful for all the gifts.......ones that have brought such solace through the storm:)

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