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Meant to be means even this.......

I had an epiphany the other day.....I know the "meant to be people" of the world differ with the other folks.....and I most definitely believe in free will, which always challenges my thinking on all the rest sometimes......except to say that maybe it is sort of like a choose your own adventure book......which I have described perhaps we have multiple stories that we could live in this life, based on the events and choices that we to that end I was in a situation that caused me to have one moment.......a powerful one that helped me know very deeply that all of what has happened, even all that had been done behind my back, and even my getting him the job that caused him to meet his girlfriend.......was meant to be and destiny......dramatic word right, I love that word;-) and in that awareness and thought process, forgiveness found its way in.......and it is in the meant to be awareness that I can find that space.......and in this life I have on the other side.......which could not have existed in any other while my destiny was unfolding, so was everybody else' his meant to be with her, and she with him.......because it has become clear to me as this has unfolded that I wasn't meant to occupy that space with him how can I really be anything other than forgiving and releasing of it all??? I would not have chosen another outcome, even if I could go back.......I would not have chosen for us to stay together now, knowing what I do......and I would endure it all again, to get to live this there you what I do believe is this......I believe he had free will, and could have chosen a different path, which perhaps could have led to a different ending for us......repaired start.......real change.... all of it.......but he chose the path that included her, and this is the story we all live in now........the universe is mystical and magical.....and could have all sorts of things playing out around us that we don't even know......however what always resonates for me too is our lessons in this life......the themes that pop up over and over, until we see them, embrace them, understand them......and then move past them........maybe once and for who knows what lessons the three of us were given to live in this life.......I know what some of mine were........and how this situation has served up the chance to practice and overcome.......but for them, their lessons are the same and as I did most definitely reach some sort of level of forgiveness this week, as all of that became clear.......and it feels kind of good......there is no need for me to carry it all around........something I cannot change.......but more importantly wouldn't change if I could.......people's biggest issue with meant to be that I always hear, is about the bad how can some tragedy be meant to be......and I get that.......but I believe it applies to it all.....and that every situation that comes into our experience, the good and the bad, has the power to profoundly change our lives if we look for the lessons and wisdom found within ......and not fight what is...... but accept it and seek to understand it.......

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