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Mastering the art of detachment.....

Part of our suffering as due to the attachment of the things in our lives that are not meant for us.....I know for me that has been true on repeat.....before I got together with my ex husband for the second time.....another story perhaps for another day....I was in a relationship with somebody that wasn't for me....and my attachment to him and the commitment of our story kept me stuck....quite literally....and I clung on to the making it work stuff....and being all in.....and really I should have been releasing it.....and then enter my marriage.....clinging so tightly to the buoy, in the fierce storm of his affair at the end.....just clinging tightly to the outcome...and the saving of our family, and marriage, and I really should have been letting go....and then recently I was in another situation where I was holding on too tightly to the outcome again.....and I think it was the final lesson I needed in this part of my story....this time letting go in a more timely fashion as I saw the writing on the wall......and detaching from stuff doesn't mean you are cold.....or uncaring....and the word itself kinda conjures that image....."detached folks" are not cozy folks in our minds lol:) But that isn't it......It has come to me so clearly in this chapter..... that the way to our happiness and peace is by way of connecting to everything......being present in all the places for us.....being willing to surrender, but attaching to none of it....because we have no control over what happens tomorrow or in a moment from in the space of recognizing and living that truth....we need to be clear on that.....when you can get to the place where it is cool if it happens, and cool if it doesn't, the power found there is exquisite......and my new understanding of my journey and the inner workings of the unfolding of it all, frees me to do exactly that......I am enjoying my new friend a great deal..... but if tomorrow he did something, or something happened that made me realize this wasn't for me......then off I go.....without any huge stuff attached to that....not because I don't care.....but because I am aware now that the things meant for me won't be the things that cause chaos and upset in my life.....and chaos has been felt in my life at certain points, and embraced by me in the spirit of duty and loyalty.....but no more.....the things that I will hold in my life are meant to nourish me now....not deplete be clear not confusing.....healthy not dysfunctional....and my line is clear on that, and so much when you can master the art of detachment....letting go of things not meant for you the peace that is found there is incredible....I pay attention to the doors all around me, opening and closing......showing me where I belong and where I don't....and well....that feels pretty amazing:)

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