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Married at first sight........

So I don't watch a ton of TV in my new life, but this summer finds me getting a little binge on.....I guess the weather can be partly to blame lol;-) SO much rain;-) I have gotten sucked into the "Married At First Sight" rabbit hole.....Now I am no stranger to reality TV, ever since that became a thing, it fascinated me.....and I used to judge myself some for it, but now I realize it must be in line with all the rest....and makes fascination with people, the human condition, people's interactions....all of it.....even if it is feigned for TV;-) but this show seemed completely ludicrous initially to me.......and I judged the idea big time that anybody would choose to meet their spouse at the altar......sight unseen......trusting "experts" to match them with who on earth could be that desperate and foolish???? They must be a little crazy?? Right????? But I share this today, because my perspective has shifted some.....stay with me;-) so the people that seem drawn to do this on this show, are people that have been hurt deeply in love, and/or they are people that are fed up with modern dating.....and all of the challenges within....which they are not is wildly difficult in this day and age to find love...... they are also people that believe deeply in marriage, love, and commitment, and loyalty which has eluded them.......and while capturing a person at the altar to be all in, sight unseen, is not the best method to attain a person willing to do the same, it does have some merit as I have been watching lol:) 12 couples out of the 44 total are still married......and I suppose what has softened my heart toward it all is that I am a sucker for romance.....I can't help it.....despite my Rapunzel vibes these days;-) I believe in love......I love love.....and I love to love and be loved.....I love romance.....and clever expressions of love.....all of it......and this show is kinda romantic.....their vows to each other are so sweet......their putting it all on the line for the hope of sharing their lives with their person........these people are going all in, in the craziest way to find the love of their lives.....and that in it of itself is romantic, even if it is crazy too:) The show starts by showcasing their single lives, and the experts speaking to why they matched them.....and most of the couples, even the ones that don't make it, have promise in the initial matching phase......the potential for greatness......their seems to be some level of careful consideration in the matchmaking.......and then they show their wedding day, that is my favorite part, to see their reactions and how they vibe initially together.... and then it goes on to their honeymoon......and their 8 weeks of marriage, where they move into a neutral apartment together.......until decision day....when they decide if they will stay together or get a divorce.....that is the part I find off putting.....because while it is a legally binding ceremony and marriage, I still think it is taken lightly at the end if they want to bail on their love experiment.....and I feel like marriage is so much bigger and more profound than that.....and ending a marriage should never be taken lightly........but in watching all of it and the human nature found in it.....the challenges in relationships......especially with is all very entertaining....I can't help myself......sometimes you need mindless fun lol........and it has also given me some food for thought in a lot of ways......thinking of compatibility......and what it takes to make it in a marriage.....and all of the places one must compromise, and be willing to bend to make it work.....and while not many of these people on the show have been divorced, most have been single well into their 30s, so they too have a particular life carved out, and watching them attempt to meld them is interesting...........and watching chemistry take hold....the couples that are immediately attracted to each other....and the others that struggle....and what is that?? What is it that attracts us to somebody.....immediately.....and so fiercely.....and what is it that doesn't, despite two people being relatively attractive and good people?? It all fascinates yea I am in a rabbit hole at the moment, no shame in my game:) it is fun to watch love stories:) Love is the point of life I feel.....all versions of it.........and Don't worry, I have no intention of getting jaded enough by modern dating, that I would agree to get married at first sight, I promise;)

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