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Mantras are magic, what is yours??

"A statement or slogan repeated frequently". Seems pretty silly right......I remember learning about people doing affirmations and mantras in the mirror, or really anywhere and thinking that is kinda silly......but is it?? We all do lots of self talk......that inner voice I always talk she a critic or a coach??? What is she saying to you? When you do therapy there is a lot of talk about self talk, cognitive behavioral therapy, and strategies to help soothe and calm.....which require you to flip the script and tell a different narrative to why not mantras??? I came by the one that saved me quite by accident......"I can do hard things," and my use of it repeatedly and often, was out of pure need and necessity......feeling so scared, overwhelmed, and alone in such big pain, and in such a big story that I had to learn to calm myself and my fears, and bring inner peace and calm to my soul in an instant in the face of that fear.....and whispering "I can do hard things" to myself over and over fit the worked......that simple......and I said it so often that I began to BELIEVE it........whispering it when my knees felt as if they would give out during those early court and lawyer mediations, and meetings.....if you know then you know.......not for the faint of reminding myself of my inner strength and willingness to endure saved me.......and then it transferred over and evolved........I had read a book about divorce and she said you need to train like a warrior......divorce is a marathon not a sprint......and so when I worked out I would crank warrior music lol;-) and remind myself of the inner badass and warrior that lives inside my heart and mind........and guess what I became her?? At least to me.......Simply because I talked to myself in such a way that was supportive and kind.....the way I would speak to a friend......and why don't we learn earlier to do that more?? You would encourage and uplift a friend right?? But then go home and stand in front of your own mirror and berate yourself.......crazy.......absolute madness......but yet we have all done it.......the thing is too is that NOBODY else needs to believe what you do about is is nice when people get me these days, or point out and see the things in me that I feel on the inside.....but really it matters what I BELIEVE in my day to day to be true about ME......and believing that I am a "warrior badass that can do hard things" has saved is that I am expanding my affirmation mantra game......have really always loved signs and sayings, and now memes lol:) So this is not a stretch;-)......but I am slowly adding things to my home, and phrases that speak to my soul, and my woman as a daily reminder of where I am headed......I want to revamp my workout space and have a wall of mantras that are representative of my day to day, and that inspire what is your mantra?? Do you have one? What do you say to yourself when the rubber hits the road? Or maybe you haven't found one yet?? Find one, one that speaks to YOUR soul......YOUR journey.....and then tell yourself that each and every day and watch the magic unfold!:)

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