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Manifesting MY kitchen!

So for those that don't know there is a little backstory.....Two months before my ex left he and I began a kitchen remodel......we tore down the ceiling in our kitchen at the time and made it cathedral......with the intention of doing a full remodel......and he had insulated it and done some electrical work, and then left....... and ever since it has remained unfinished......I have looked at it for over 3 years......wracking my brain as to how to solve it......and I have tried a few things to step toward it.....and nothing has stuck.....I have not let the fact that it remains undone consume me.....or upset in me a real sense.....however looking at it each day is a daily reminder of that fact.....and besides all the "unfairness" surrounding just is, and has been......I have remained faithful and committed to finding a way to solve it at some a client of mine knew a guy, and she suggested he come take a look....and we could work on helping in the process and learning how to do some of it too:) Helping to offset the cost and put some new skills in my pocket;-) So they came yesterday morning.....and we talked about the many possibilities and options to consider for several hours.....and I liked him very much.....and I took the first step in my opinion in MANIFESTING my kitchen! And it was interesting because the original plan for the kitchen had been our ex and I......and now the plan for it is MINE......and mine alone....and I feel like that part was meant to be.......and it feels like design and make it all come together by MYSELF.....the financial how is still in the works.....but it is closer to being figured out now that I took that step:) And investing in my largest investment is important to me......because while I had to buy him out.....luckily having had a good deal of equity in our home.....I want the same for myself when I sell it one get a return on that investment too....hopefully a larger one than the one I turned over, so this is part of that....the strategic planning of how far to go into the renovation.....and what I want to do. There are several different scenarios we crafted....and it will need to be decided which route I want to take.......but this time.....THIS step.......feels like it is the one that will start the ball rolling and the momentum flowing toward actually beginning it.....the first step is to complete the electric which we planned for him to come and do in is a one day that is the start.....and I think we have our eye on summer.....I am planning a shiplap ceiling....and I am planning on staining it all myself, so I will need that time off to be a part of the renovation! So in my mind.....and seems summer is going to be the time to go after this.....and the idea that I could be sitting in my new kitchen come end of summer......well......that feels like something:) I am remaining faithful and trusting the other pieces will fall dominoes leading the way to my finished project! YAY:)

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